اهداف جامعه ایرانی چیست؟ « ما چگونه فکر می کنیم» و آنچه که در ایران مهم انگاشته می شود.

۱۳۸۶ فروردین ۲۲, چهارشنبه

ديدار صد نماينده مجلس با خاتمی

نزديک به يکصد تن از نمايندگان مجلس شوراي اسلامي با گرايش‌هاي مختلف با رئيس جمهور سابق کشورمان ديدار و گفت‌وگو کردند.

به گزارش ايسنا، در اين ديدار که به دعوت فراکسيو ن خط امام (ره)برگزار شد و دو ساعت به طول انجاميد، حجت الاسلام والمسلمين سيد محمد خاتمي رئيس موسسه بين الملي گفتگوي فرهنگ‌ها و تمدن‌ها به تشريح وضعيت خارجي ايران در عرصه منطقه اي و بين المللي پرداخت و با توجه به حضورش در نشست هاي بين المللي، بر علاقه مندي توده هاي مردم به انقلاب اسلامي و ايران تاکيد کرد.
وي در ادامه به دسيسه‌هاي مختلف دشمنان نظام اسلامي در طول پيروزي انقلاب و پس از آن اشاره کرد و افزود: در شرايط کنوني و به خصوص در طول چند ماه گذشته حجم تبليغات دشمنان به نحو چشمگيري گسترش يافته و به نوعي تلاش مي شود تا منطقه را نسبت به ايران بدبين کند.

رئيس موسسه بين المللي گفت‌وگوي فرهنگ‌ها و تمدن‌ها اضافه كرد: بر اين اساس هم اينک سياست دامن زدن به اختلافات ديني و مذهبي القاء اينکه ايران در اين اختلافات نقش دارد، فعال است.
به گزارش روابط عمومي بنياد باران خاتمي همچنين تاکيد کرد: انسجام اسلامي که بدرستي در سال 86 مورد توجه قرار گرفته است، بايد سرلوحه تمامي گروه‌ها و فرقه ها، نه تنها در ايران بلکه درتمام جهان اسلام قرار گيرد تا نقشه هاي خطرناکي که وجود دارد، خنثي يا کم اثر شود.

رئيس جمهورسابق کشورمان ادامه داد: در عرصه داخلي نيز ضروري است تا اتحاد ملي به معني واقعي مورد توجه و درک حاکميت و نيز تمام گروه‌ها و احزاب سياسي قرار گيرد تا زمينه مشارکت و حضور گسترده مردم بيشتر از گذشته فراهم شود.
خاتمي همچنين اظهارداشت: مجلس شوراي اسلامي به عنوان قوه اي مؤثر و تاثير گذار که جايگاهي والا در نظام تصميم گيري و تصميم سازي کشور دارد، مي بايست با توجه به وضعيت کنوني کشور در عين اعمال وظيفه نظارتي،ارشادي و هدايتي خود،به تحقق شعار امسال کمک کند و آنرا به فعليت در آورد.

رئيس جمهور سابق كشورمان در بخش ديگري از سخنان خود به تنگناي آمريکا در عراق و فشارهاي داخلي و خارجي وارده به دولت بوش اشاره کرد و گفت: بايد با تدبير و درايت حساب شده به گونه اي برخورد كنيم تا منافع ملي و مصالح نظام به شيوه اي مناسب حفظ شود.
وي اضافه كرد: حل مشکل عراق به حضور فعالانه تمامي کشورهاي مؤثر در منطقه بستگي دارد و همه ما علاقه وافري داريم تا ملت عراق در آرامش و امنيت کشورشان را اداره كند.

خاتمي افزود: اين سياست بايد همچنان ادامه يابد تا منافع دو ملت ايران و عراق محفوظ بماند.
در ادامه اين نشست مسائل گوناگون از جمله دستاوردهاي هسته‌اي کشور و قطعنامه هاي صادره از سوي شوراي امنيت و تأثير آن برسرنوشت کشور مورد توجه نمايندگان قرار گرفت.
خاتمي در اين خصوص گفت: دستاوردهاي ملي و بومي انرژي هسته‌اي حاصل تلاش‌ها و مساعدت هاي جوانان اين مرز و بوم بوده و هميشه مورد حمايت ملت است و بايد آن را حفظ کرد.

رئيس جمهور سابق کشورمان گفت: بايد با اعتمادسازي ها و رفع بهانه جويي ها، هزينه تحقق آرزوهاي ملت بزرگ ايران را به حداقل رساند و مصالح و منافع ملي نظام را دستخوش غرض ها و مرضهاي دشمنان قرار نداد.
خاتمي در ادامه با اشاره به مواضع مستقلانه و هوشمندانه نمايندگان مجلس هفتم شوراي اسلامي، اظهار اميدواري کرد تا اين روش به حل هر چه بيشتر مشکلات پيش روي کشور منجر شود

Those who fight and those who do not (bbc)

By Paul Reynolds
World Affairs correspondent BBC News website

Australian soldier in Afghanistan
Australia is one of 37 nations involved in the Nato operation

The Australian plan to nearly double its forces in Afghanistan, to about 1,000, again illustrates the division between the countries that are willing to fight against the Taleban and those that hold back.

Significantly, the deployment will include many more special forces. The province where the Australians are based, Uruzgan, is expected to be the scene of increased fighting.

Thirty-seven nations take part in the Nato-commanded International Assistance Force for Afghanistan (Isaf), providing more than 35,000 troops between them.

But only a handful are in the front line. They are sent by governments committed to winning against the Taleban and fearful that safe havens will be set up for al-Qaeda again, just as they were before the attacks of 9/11.

Force levels

The main forces are the Americans (12,000 in Isaf, with another 8,000 under their own national command), the British (going up to 7,700 soon), the Canadians (2,500), the Dutch (2,100), the Poles (who reinforced earlier this year to 1000) and the Australians (going up to 1,000 by 2009).

There are also fighting forces from Denmark, Estonia and Romania. The Estonians are said by one expert to have better armoured vehicles than the British with whom they are based in Helmand province.

The French have some special forces with the Americans.

The main fighting is in the east and south. Elsewhere, Isaf troops are engaged more in peacekeeping and reconstruction than war fighting

The issue of caveats

The division of responsibilities is the result of decisions by national governments to keep their own troops away from major combat.

Caveats have always been an issue and we have worked hard to minimise them
Mark Laity
This has resulted in a list of caveats which prevent their troops from being deployed in certain areas and circumstances.

British General David Richards, commander of Isaf until February, stretched out his arms at a recent seminar in London and said he had had a list of caveats that long.

Nato and Isaf have now worked their way around many of these problems.

Reinforcements from the fighting contributors are being sent to the south and east.

"Caveats have always been an issue and we have worked hard to minimise them," says Mark Laity, until recently the Nato spokesman in Kabul and now chief of strategic communications for Supreme Allied Headquarters in Europe.

"But the problems we had have been lessened by the large number of troops going to the south. All nations in Isaf make contributions to the overall force," he adds.

The caveats are mainly geographical, with governments stating that their forces cannot be transferred out of the areas to which they are assigned.

There are some exceptions for an emergency but the basic position remains.

An example of a smaller caveat is the refusal of some forces (the Germans at one stage did this) to go on night patrols because they lack night vision equipment.

The value of some of the troops in the quieter areas would be minimal in heavy combat, as they are not configured for such fighting.

The caveats of course serve to emphasise the difference between those who fight and those who do not.

The United States increased its combat power significantly earlier this year by adding a combat brigade. Britain announced a reinforcement package in February. The Australians have now followed suit. The Dutch already have Apache helicopters and F-16 fighters.

Canada resumes its role

A major contributor, Canada, has just lost six more soldiers, in a roadside bomb. In Afghanistan, Canada has emerged again in its traditional fighting role, obscured by years in which it sought to become more of a specialist in peacekeeping.

It so happens that this is the 90th anniversary of the allied offensive east of Arras in April 1917, which started well with the Canadian assault on Vimy Ridge.

But other countries, like France, Germany, Italy and Spain, while Nato members and keen to help the Afghan government, do not want to get drawn into fighting the Taleban. The French have carrying out air operations over Afghanistan, however.

In the meantime, longer term plans are being implemented to train and equip the Afghan army and police, on whom ultimate success probably depends.

"We can clear an area with Nato troops," said one Nato official. "But without the Afghan forces there to hold it, the Taleban will filter back."

نامزد رياست جمهوري فرانسه از غني‌سازي اورانيوم در ايران دفاع كرد


ژان ماري لوپن " رهبر حزب راستگراي جبهه ملي فرانسه و نامزد انتخابات رياست جمهوري، از غني‌سازي صنعتي اورانيوم در ايران دفاع كرد.

لوپن كه روز چهارشنبه در مصاحبه با چهار تن از خبرنگاران فرانسوي و در راديو خبري "اروپ سخن می گفت ، خاطرنشان كرد: من هيچ اشكالي درخصوص توليد اورانيوم غني‌شده صنعتي در ايران نمي‌بينم .

وي در پاسخ به پرسش يكي از خبرنگاران درخصوص آخرين تحولات در پرونده هسته‌اي ايران و اعلام تهران درخصوص توليد اورانيوم صنعتي گفت: چه اشكالي دارد كه ايران به غني‌سازي اورانيوم بپردازد؟

لوپن تاكيد كرد: ايران معاهده منع گسترش سلاح‌هاي هسته‌اي (ان پي تي) را امضا كرده و بنابراين از حق غني‌سازي برخوردار است.

وي در پاسخ به پرسش يكي از خبرنگاران درخصوص اين كه آيا شما سخنان ايرانيان را در مورد عدم توليد بمب اتمي باورمي‌كنيد، گفت: من مجبور نيستم سخنان آنان را باور كنم اما از سوي ديگر مجبور نخواهم بود كه بپذيرم خطر بمب اتمي (ادعايي) ايران از خطر بمب اتمي اسراييل، هند، پاكستان و چين بيشتر خواهد بود.

"ژان ماري لوپن" كه براساس نظرسنجي‌هاي صورت گرفته، يكي از چهار بخت‌دار بزرگ انتخابات آتي رياست جمهوري فرانسه محسوب مي‌شود، در بخش ديگري از اين مصاحبه و درخصوص سياست خارجي پاريس در قبال آمريكا گفت: ايالات متحده در حال آماده ساختن خود براي جنگ با ايران است در حالي كه فرانسه بايد نقش خود را براي صلح ايفا كند.

وي افزود: فرانسه بايد با بهره‌گيري از تمامي توان و استفاده از نفوذ خود در كشورهاي منطقه و عربي نقش ميانجي را براي نجات صلح ايفاكند، چراكه نداهاي جنگي به گوش مي‌رسد و كساني هستند كه آماده جنگ با ايران مي‌شوند.

لوپن در پاسخ به اين پرسش كه چه كساني براي مقابله با ايران آماده مي‌شوند، گفت: آمريكا يا اسراييل يا هر دوي آنها.

Iran offers 'proof' of CIA torture

Jalal Sharafi said that US agents had drilled
holes in his foot

Iranian state television has shown officials from the International Committee of the Red Cross examining an Iranian diplomat who has accused the CIA of torturing him while he was detained in Iraq.
Jalal Sharafi was shown in a hospital bed being examined by Peter Stocker from the ICRC and the Iraqi ambassador in footage broadcast on Wednesday.

During the examination, the voice of a doctor could be heard describing how Sharafi - formerly the second-most senior official in Iran's embassy in Baghdad - had been beaten with a cable during his detention.

After his visit to the diplomat, Stocker told The Associated Press that he saw wounds on Sharafi's body that "were several weeks old", but said he did not know how the injuries occurred.
"I cannot say who did it and where it happened," the ICRC official said. "I can only say that it happened during his detention."
Stocker was accompanied to the hospital by Majid Sheikh, the Iraqi ambassador to Iran.
Diplomat accuses US
Earlier in the week, Sharafi's Iranian doctors had reported that holes had been drilled into his foot, but the TV images were not clear enough to indicate whether the small, red marks on his foot were indeed holes.
Doctors also reported earlier that he had suffered a broken nose, serious injuries to his back, bleeding in his digestive system, and damage to his ears.
None of these injuries has been independently verified, nor were they discernible from the TV footage.
Footage released by Iranian TV showed Jalal Sharafi in hospital being examined by doctors
A spokeswoman for the ICRC in Tehran, Katayoun Hosseinnejad, confirmed the visit to Sharafi had taken place and said it had been initiated by the Iranians.
Sharafi was released from Iraq last week and later said that the CIA had questioned him about Iran's relations with Iraq and its assistance to various Iraqi groups.
US officials have repeatedly said that Iran provides money and weapons to Shia militias in Iraq. Iran has denied this.
On Wednesday the US military put more weapons on display in Baghdad that it said were made in Iran.
An army spokesmen said that Iran had trained Iraqi insurgents in the use of roadside bombs as recently as last month.

Civilian life in Iraq 'ever-worsening': Red Cross

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

CBC News

Iraqi civilians are forced to endure "unbearable and unacceptable" suffering in daily life in an "ever-worsening" humanitarian crisis, a report by the International Committee of the Red Cross said Wednesday.

The ICRC said it released the report because the international community has grown accustomed to hearing about the number of dead in Iraq and is becoming desensitized to the human face of the crisis.

It is difficult to determine the numbers of people killed in shootings, bombings and military operations, but the overall picture of what is happening in the country has been steadily deteriorating, with the ranks of refugees swelling, medical staff fleeing and other problems growing, said the ICRC's director of operations, Pierre Krahenbuhl.

"The suffering that Iraqi men, women and children are enduring today is unbearable and unacceptable. Their lives and dignity are continuously under threat," he said.

Security improved in some areas

Remaining neutral, the report doesn't point fingers at any group specifically for directly causing the worsening conditions. But it does say no one has done enough to protect ordinary Iraqis' lives.

"The ICRC calls on all those who can influence the situation on the ground to act now to ensure that the lives of ordinary people are spared and protected. This is an obligation under international humanitarian law for both states and non-state actors," Krahenbuhl said.

The report also acknowledges that security in some areas of Iraq has improved as a result of stepped-up efforts by U.S.-led multinational forces. But the central region, including Baghdad, remains greatly affected, despite American efforts to secure the capital.

Red Cross spokeswoman Leila Blacking told CBC News in London that four years after the U.S.-led invasion, Iraqi women told her their greatest fear was that there was no one to remove the dead bodies from the streets.

"When they got up in the morning to take their children to school, their greatest fear was that they were unable to protect their children from seeing this," she said.

Refugee crisis growing

The number of civilians being forced to flee their homes has increased significantly since the February 2006 bombing of the sacred Shia shrine of Samarra and the subsequent increase in violence, the report said.

"Thousands of Iraqis continue to be forced out of their homes owing to military operations, general poor security and the destruction of houses," it said.

'What we see on our television screens does not demonstrate even one per cent of the reality of the atrocity of Iraq today. … Things are so terrible here.'

—Andrew White, Anglican vicar of Baghdad

The report added the displacement problem in Baghdad and other areas with mixed communities is likely to worsen.

Iraqi officials informed the Red Cross that more than half of Iraq's registered doctors have fled the country just as the daily violence has stretched the health-care system to the breaking point, the ICRC's Nada Doumani told CBC News Wednesday in an interview from Jordan.

"Health-care facilities have difficulties to cope with mass casualties when you have a huge influx of wounded people," she said. "The medical staff is shrinking."

Andrew White, the Anglican vicar of Baghdad, said he agrees with the report's findings and wants to see a reduction in violence, as well the restoration of basic services such as water, electricity and food.

"What we see on our television screens does not demonstrate even one per cent of the reality of the atrocity of Iraq today," he told CBC News Wednesday.

"Things are so terrible here."

It is so dangerous for Red Cross workers to move around in Baghdad that it's impossible for the report to recreate a full picture of how bad daily life is, Krahenbuhl said.

"We're certainly not seeing an immediate effect in terms of stabilization for civilians currently," he said. "That is not our reading."

GB IHT Cartoon

U.S. Says Iran Training EFP Bomb-Makers

Wednesday April 11, 2007


Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD (AP) - Iranian intelligence operatives have been training Iraqi fighters inside Iran on how to use and assemble deadly roadside bombs known as EFPs, the U.S. military spokesman said Wednesday.

Commanders of a splinter group inside the Shiite Mahdi Army militia have told The Associated Press that there are as many as 4,000 members of their organization that were trained in Iran and that they have stockpiles of EFPs, a weapon that causes great uneasiness among U.S. forces here because they penetrate heavily armored vehicles.

U.S. military spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell would not say how many militia fighters had been trained in Iran but said that questioning of fighters captured as recently as this month confirmed many had been in Iranian training camps.

``We know that they are being in fact manufactured and smuggled into this country, and we know that training does go on in Iran for people to learn how to assemble them and how to employ them. We know that training has gone on as recently as this past month from detainees debriefs,'' Caldwell said at a weekly briefing.

EFP stands for explosively formed penetrator, deadly roadside bombs that hurl a fist-size lump of molten copper capable of piercing armor.

In January, U.S. officials said at least 170 U.S. soldiers had been killed by EFPs.

Caldwell also said the U.S. military had evidence that Iranian intelligence agents were active in Iraq in funding, training and arming Shiite militia fighters.

``We also know that training still is being conducted in Iran for insurgent elements from Iraq. We know that as recent as last week from debriefing personnel,'' he said.

``The do receive training on how to assemble and employ EFPs,'' Caldwell said, adding that fighters also were trained in how to carry out complex attacks that used explosives followed by assaults with rocket-propelled grenades and small arms.

``There has been training on specialized weapons that are used here in Iraq. And then we do know they receive also training on general tactics in terms of how to take and employ and work what we call a more complex kind of attack where we see multiple types of engagements being used from an explosion to small arms fire to being done in multiple places,'' he said.

The general would not say specifically which arm of the Iranian government was doing the training but called the trainers ``surrogates'' of Iran's intelligence agency.

Caldwell opened the briefing by showing photographs of what he said were Iranian-made mortar rounds, RPG rounds and rockets that were found in Iraq.

Also Wednesday, Iraqi Cabinet ministers allied to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr threatened to quit the government to protest the prime minister's lack of support for a timetable for U.S. withdrawal.

Such a pullout by the very bloc that put Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in office could collapse his already perilously weak government. The threat comes two months into a U.S. effort to pacify Baghdad in order to give al-Maliki's government room to function.

Meanwhile, bodies lay scattered across two central Baghdad neighborhoods after a raging battle left 20 suspected insurgents and four Iraqi soldiers dead, and 16 U.S. soldiers wounded, witnesses and officials said.

The fighting Tuesday in Fadhil and Sheik Omar, two Sunni enclaves, was the most intense since a massive push to pacify the capital began two months ago.

Al-Sadr's political committee issued a statement a day after al-Maliki rejected an immediate U.S. troop withdrawal.

``We see no need for a withdrawal timetable. We are working as fast as we can,'' al-Maliki said on his four-day trip to Japan, where he signed loan agreements for redevelopment projects in Iraq.

``To demand the departure of the troops is a democratic right and a right we respect. What governs the departure at the end of the day is how confident we are in the handover process,'' he said, adding that ``achievements on the ground'' would dictate how long American troops remain.

Al-Maliki spoke a day after tens of thousands of Iraqis took to the streets of two Shiite holy cities, on al-Sadr's orders, to protest the U.S. presence in their country. The rally marked the fourth anniversary of the fall of Baghdad at the hands of American forces.

``The Sadrist movement strongly rejects the statements of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, in which he stood by the continued presence of occupation forces despite the will of the Iraqi people,'' said the statement, a copy of which was obtained by the AP. ``The Sadrist movement is studying the option of withdrawing from the Iraqi government - a government that has not fulfilled its promises to the people,'' it said.

``We are serious about withdrawing,'' it added.

It would not be the first time the Sadrists, who hold six seats in the Cabinet, left al-Maliki's government.

Al-Sadr's ministers and 30 legislators boycotted the government and parliament for nearly two months to protest a November meeting between al-Maliki and President Bush in Jordan.

The statement expressed anger over the Baghdad security plan launched Feb. 14, calling it ``unfair.'' Iraqi and U.S. troops have been targeting members of al-Sadr's Mahdi Army militia, which has been blamed for sectarian killings.

Iraqi soldiers held a security cordon around Fadhil, and residents hid frightened in their homes, a witness told the AP by telephone, on condition of anonymity out of fear for his safety.

The Muslim Scholars Association, a Sunni group, issued a statement quoting witnesses as saying Tuesday's battle began after Iraqi troops entered a mosque and executed two young men in front of other worshippers. Ground forces used tear gas on civilians, it said.

``The association condemns this horrible crime carried out by occupiers and the government,'' the statement said.

But the witness in Fadhil said the two men were executed in an outdoor vegetable market, not in the mosque. The Iraqi military was not immediately available to comment on the claim.

The U.S. military said the battle began after American and Iraqi troops came under fire around 7 a.m. during a routine search operation. Helicopter gunships then swooped in, engaging insurgents with machine gun fire, the military said.

Some Arab TV stations reported a U.S. helicopter was shot down in the fight, and showed video of a charred piece of mechanical wreckage that was impossible to identify. Caldwell said four helicopters sustained minor damage but were able to return to base. He confirmed that one Apache gunship had dropped a missile pod as it left the area.

Caldwell said 13 of the 16 wounded Americans had returned to duty and that 20 suspected insurgents were killed and 30 wounded, he said.

اسرار پایانی عمر اینشتن از وب سایت حوزه علمیه

آلبرت اینشتین(فوت 1955 م) در رساله ی پایانی عمر خود با عنوان

دی ارکلرونگ Die Erkla"rung - von: Albert Einstein - 1954
یعنی:"بیانیه" که در سال 1954 آن را در امریکا و به آلمانی نوشته است - اسلام را بر تمامی ادیان جهان ترجیح میدهد و آن را کاملترین ومعقولترین دین می داند.
این رساله درحقیقت همان نامه نگاری محرمانه ی اینشتین با آیت الله العظمی بروجردی(فوت1340ش =1961م) است که توسط مترجمین برگزیده ی شاه ایران محرمانه صورت پذیرفته است اینشتین در این رساله "نظریه ی نسبیت" خود را با آیاتی از قرآن کریم و احادیثی از (نهج البلاغه) وبیش از همه بحارالانوار) علامه ی مجلسی (که از عربی به انگلیسی توسط حمید رضا پهلوی(فوت1371ش)و...ترجمه وتحت نظر آیت الله بروجردی شرح می شده)تطبیق داده و نوشته که هیچ جا در هیچ مذهبی چنین احادیث پر مغزی یافت نمیشود وتنها این مذهب شیعه است که احادیث پیشوایان آن نظریه ی پیچیده ی"نسبیت" را ارائه داده ولی اکثر دانشمندان نفهمیده اند. از آنجمله حدیثی است که علامه ی مجلسی در مورد معراج جسمانی رسول اکرم(ص) نقل میکند که: هنگام برخاستن از زمین دامن یا پای مبارک پیامبر به ظرف آبی میخورد و آن ظرف واژگون میشود.اما پس از اینکه پیامبراکرم(ص) از معراج جسمانی باز میگردند مشاهده میکنند که پس از گذشت این همه زمان هنوز آب آن ظرف در حال ریختن روی زمین است ...اینشتین این حدیث را از گرانبهاترین بیانات علمی پیشوایان شیعه در زمینه ی "نسبیت زمان" دانسته و شرح فیزیکی مفصلی بر آن مینویسد...همچنین اینشتین در این رساله "معاد جسمانی" را از راه فیزیکی اثبات میکند(علاوه بر قانون سوم نیوتون=عمل وعکس العمل). او فرمول ریاضی معاد جسمانی را عکس فرمول معروف "نسبیت ماده و انرژی" میداند:
E = M.C2 >> M = E :C2
یعنی اگر حتی بدن ما تبدیل به انرژی شده باشد دوباره عینا" به ماده تبدیل شده و زنده خواهد شد.
او همچنین در همین رساله عقیده ی به "وحدت وجود" را از خرافات های شایع شده توسط ملا صدرا تلقی کرده و آن را از دیدگاه "فیزیک کلاسیک" و "فیزیک نسبیتی" به شدت مورد حمله قرار می دهد ...بطور خلاصه: او میگوید: هر موجودی دارای حیطه و مرز فیزیکی خاص خود است(حیز وجودی)که امکان ندارد با موجود یا وجود دیگری اتحاد یا وحدت داشته یا بیابد...در رابطه با "عقل" نیز با کمال شگفتی - اینشتین نظریه ی اخباریون شیعه را( که عقل را نسبی میدانند و در حریم شرع و دین آن را بکار نمیبرند) صحیح دانسته و میگوید: حق با اخباری های شما ست وهنوز زود است که مردم این را بفهمند..
در ادامه نیز فرمول ریاضی خاصی برای "عقل نظری بشر" ارائه داده و "نسبیت" آن را اثبات میکند... .
اینشتین در این کتاب همواره از آیت الله بروجردی با احترام و به لفظ"بروجردی بزرگ" یاد کرده و از شادروان
پروفسور حسابی نیز بارها یاد کرده با لفظ"حسابی عزیز"..........................................................
3000000دلار بهای خرید این رساله توسط پروفسورابراهیم مهدوی( مقیم لندن) با کمک یکی از اعضاء شرکت اتومبیل" بنز" از یک عتیقه فروش یهودی بوده و دستخط اینشتین در تمامی صفحات این کتابچه توسط خطشناسی رایانه ای چک شده و تایید گشته که او این رساله را به دست خود نوشته است...همکنون این کتاب ارزشمند در حال ترجمه از آلمانی به پارسی - توسط دکتر عیسی مهدوی( برادر دکتر ابراهیم مهدوی)- و توام با تحقیق و ارائه ی منابع مذکور در متن(توسط اینجانب) میباشد و بسیاری از متن آن ترجمه و تحقیق فنی شده است...اصل نسخه ی این رساله اکنون جهت مسائل امنیتی به صندوق امانات سری لندن - بخش امانات پروفسور ابراهیم مهدوی- سپرده شده و نگهداری میشود...