اهداف جامعه ایرانی چیست؟ « ما چگونه فکر می کنیم» و آنچه که در ایران مهم انگاشته می شود.

۱۳۸۶ خرداد ۲۳, چهارشنبه

Islam's Sunni-Shiite split

A look at the historic divide within the Muslim world.

To the outsider, the differences between the Sunni and Shiite Islamic sects are hard to recognize.

The five pillars of Islam – daily prayer; fasting during Ramadan; alms giving; the pilgrimage to Mecca; and belief in one, unitary god – are at the core of both faiths, and most mainstream clerics in each denomination recognize adherents of the other side as "legitimate" Muslims.

The Koran is the sacred text for both. They believe Muhammad was the prophet and that there will be a resurrection followed by a final judgment when the world ends.

Adding to the potential confusion is the insistence of many Muslims not to be identified as Shiite or Sunni, saying they are Muslims and Muslims only.

But, as recent events in Iraq and Lebanon have shown, the differences between the believers are not only seen as important by the communities but now, as they have for centuries, rest at the core of bloody political struggles.

While there are superficial differences between the sects – differences in prayer and carrying out ritual ablutions, for instance – the arena of conflict between the two has long been political.

The split between the two main branches of Islam is nearly 1,400 years old, and started with a fight over who should lead the faithful after the prophet Muhammad's death in 632. One side believed that direct descendants of the prophet should take up the mantle of the caliph – the leader of the world's faithful. They were known as the Shiat-Ali, or "partisans of Ali," after the prophet's cousin and son-in-law Ali, whom they favored to become caliph. In time, they came simply to be known as Shiites.

The other side, the Sunnis, thought that any worthy man could lead the faithful, regardless of lineage, and favored Abu Bakr, an early convert to Islam who had married into Muhammad's family. "Sunni" is derived from the Arab word for "followers" and is shorthand for "followers of the prophet."

The Shiites were the eventual losers in a violent struggle for mastery that lasted decades, a fact now reflected in their minority status within global Islam.

But while the civil war now raging between Shiite and Sunni in Iraq is sometimes cast as an extension of this age-old religious struggle, today's conflict is about something slightly different.

While religious differences are real and remain important, the breakdown over Shiite and Sunni in Iraq is about group identity as much as it is about disagreements over proper worship.

In Iraq, many Sunnis and Shiites who are not particularly devout are participating in the bloodshed, fighting to advance group interests.

"I think that Sunni and Shiite group identifiers have become more important in a lot of ways that are not essentially religious,'' says Barbara Petzen, an expert at Harvard University's Middle Eastern Studies Center.

Nevertheless, there are some key religious differences. Shiite veneration of the holy family, that is, the descendants of Muhammad, has contributed to a much more centralized and hierarchical clergy than in the Sunni world.

All religious Shiites nominally observe the advice of an ayatollah on how to follow the law of Islam, or sharia, in the modern context. For many in Iraq, this role is fulfilled by Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani.

Sunni Islam is much less centralized. In this respect, the differences between Sunni and Shiite Islam superficially approach the differences between the Roman Catholic Church and most Protestant denominations.

Though a majority in Iran and Iraq, Shiites make up just 15 percent of the world's Muslims. Their history of defeat and frequent subjugation has also led to a cult of death and martyrdom within Shiism.

The major Shiite holidays celebrate the glorious defeats and martyrdoms of Imam Ali and Imam Hussein, Ali's son, as typified by the preeminent Shiite holiday of Ashura, which marks the slaughter of Hussein and his followers outside the Iraqi city of Karbala by a Sunni caliph in 680.

In Iraq and Iran, the holiday is marked by elaborate processions of men reenacting their own passion play, many of whom self-flagellate with chains to the beat of drums.

Such expressions of piety are looked at with disgust by hard-line Sunnis like the clergy in Saudi Arabia, who view the veneration of Hussein and other members of the prophet's family as a violation of monotheism. This view has frequently led extremist groups like Al Qaeda to attack Shiites as heretics.

The fact that Shiites have long been oppressed – first under the Ottoman Empire, later under states like Iraq and Saudi Arabia – has led to a strong identification with the injustices suffered by Hussein, and have lent a political dimension to Shiite worship. Ashura celebrations, for instance, were banned under Saddam Hussein, who feared they could lead to spontaneous uprisings.

One of the most important distinctions between Shiite and Sunni belief is veneration of the imams.

Most Shiites believe that there were 12 legitimate successors to Muhammad as caliph, and that the final imam, now called the Mahdi, disappeared when he was taken up in the arms of God. Many Shiites believe the Mahdi will return to earth one day and play the role of savior. A battle between the forces of good and evil will ensue, ending in a thousand-year reign of peace and the end of the world.

In practice, this leads to occasionally apocalyptic rhetoric from leaders like Iraq's Moqtada al-Sadr and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad.

Staff writer Matt Bradley contributed reporting.

The Taliban's Alleged Iran Connection

Updated: June 13, 2007
Prepared by:

Afghan President Hamid Karzai brushed off a recent assassination attempt (al-Jazeera) by rather nonchalantly gesturing to those gathered before him to sit down so he could continue his speech, despite the nearby barrage of rockets. The incident underscored the violence, usually directed by Taliban or Taliban-connected warlords, that persists in today’s Afghanistan. The recent killing of a top-ranking Taliban leader did little to ease the bloodshed in Afghanistan’s unruly south. Still, glimmers of hope abound, like the standing-up of a decently equipped and trained national army. Police training is another story, as low salaries feeds low recruitment and rampant corruption. “Bribes are more important than bullets,” Michael Fumento writes in the Weekly Standard. But Fumento also argues that Afghanistan remains a “winnable war.”

Afghan hearts and minds remain very much up in the air, as sympathies have not entirely shifted toward the Taliban. Coalition forces try to win over locals by rebuilding bridges (Reuters) and schools and restoring the rule of law. Likewise, Taliban leaders, unlike their counterparts in Iraq, are increasingly avoiding mass casualty attacks and “soft” targets (UPI) for fear of local Afghans turning against them. Of the past 180 suicide bombings, only six or seven targeted civilians, according to a new study authored by Brian Gwyn Williams of UMass-Dartmouth. But other accounts suggest the contrary, including reports of beheadings of teachers, health professionals, and others by Taliban insurgents.

Increasingly, civilian casualties have also come at the hands of air strikes by the U.S.-led coalition forces, writes Karl Inderfurth of George Washington University in the International Herald Tribune. He suggests doling out more cash from NATO to Afghan families of victims, a Status of Forces agreement to spell out more definitively civilian-military relations, and working more closely with the Afghan army to “put an Afghan face on operations.” Daniel Markey of the Council on Foreign Relations, in a recent interview with Bernard Gwertzman, credits U.S. and NATO forces for having secured the Afghan-Pakistani border and prevented the much-anticipated “spring offensive,” despite the rise in suicide attacks over previous years, which he calls “a significant propaganda victory.”

Meanwhile, Iran appears to be waging its own hearts-and-minds campaign by boosting its reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan’s provinces, which were well-received by Karzai. Yet Iran is also reportedly supplying Taliban rebels with weaponry, including a highly destructive type of roadside bomb (BBC) that can penetrate tank armor. Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns put a finer point on it Wednesday (AP), saying "Iran is now even transferring arms to the Taliban in Afghanistan.” As this new Backgrounder explains, experts disagree over what Iran is after in Afghanistan—a successful, stable state and trade partner or ideological counterpart? A return of Taliban rule or continuation of the status quo? “If you look at the roulette table, Iran is putting money on many different numbers in Afghanistan,” says Amin Tarzi of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

Samarra Revered Shrine Blown Up

SAMARRA , Iraq, June 13, 2007

Insurgents on Wednesday blew up the two minarets of a revered shrine in the northern town of Samarra.

Unknown insurgents blew up at about 09:00 a.m. two shrines of the Imam Ali al-Hadi and the al-Hasan al-Askari shrines (peace be upon them) by roadside bombs, totally damaging the minaret of the two shrines.

Earlier, several mortar rounds landed near the two shrines, but no casualties and damaging were reported immediately.

On Feb. 22 of 2006, the Shiite shrine of Ali al-Hadi, also called the Golden Mosque, was attacked by a bomb, with its 100-year-old golden dome badly damaged.

The shrine of Imam Ali al-Hadi (PBUH) is one of the four most revered shrines in Iraq.

It contains two tombs of Imam Ali al-Hadi, who Has been martyred in 868 A.D., and Imam Hassan al-Askari who has been martyred in 874 A.D.

The two are the 10th and 11th of the Shiite's twelve most revered Imams.

A top Iraqi official said the tall structures of the shrine of Imam Hadi and Imam Hassan Askari (Peace Be Upon Them) came down at around 9:00 am local time.

Sheikh Saleh al-Haidiri, head of the endowment administrative body responsible for shrines in Iraq, said the minarets were blown up by "terrorists".

"It is a terrorist attack ... the second one against the shrine," Haidiri said in Baghdad, adding It is a terrorist attack aimed at sparking sectarian Violence."

On February 22, 2006, alleged Al-Qaeda insurgents bombed the shrine in an attack which triggered brutal nationwide clashes that are still continuing.

The mosque compound and minarets remained intact, and have been guarded since then by Iraqi police and commandos.

The US military headquarters in the area had no immediate information about Wednesday's attack.

حاج آقا دانشمند

Johann Galtung on American Empire

Alternative Radio

Johann Galtung of Norway is a leading advocate of non-violent solutions to resolving conflicts. He is founder and director of Transcend, a global network for conflict resolution. Among his many books are Choose Peace and Peace by Peaceful Means. He is the winner of the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the Alternative Nobel Prize.

Noam Chomsky on Targeting Iran

Israel's nuke leak threatening ME

Wed, 13 Jun 2007

Probable explosion in Israel's Dimona nuclear plant may be more tragic than Chernobyl ‎nuclear disaster

A Jordanian expert in nuclear physics has warned that radioactive substances leaking from Israeli nuclear reactors are threatening the region.

"Radioactive leak from Israel's Dimona nuclear reactor coupled with the regime's nuclear waste buried in Jordan are posing serious hazards to not only people in Jordan but also in other regional states, including Egypt and Palestine," Iran's Fars news agency quoted Nabil Atoum as saying on Tuesday.

The expert drew an analogy between the humanitarian and ecological catastrophe caused by the Russian reactor Chernobyl two decade ago and the probable nuclear tragedy that can be caused by the vulnerable Dimona reactor, warning this could set off a "new Zionist Holocaust".

He cautioned that the magnitude of an Israeli reactor catastrophe can be even greater than Russia's Chernobyl.

Atoum said Amman has admitted it has no immediate solution to deal with a probable catastrophe at Israel's Dimona nuclear plant, and called for international mediation and an investigation into the Israeli regime's nuclear activities.

Meanwhile, Ali Hatr, a member of Jordan's Resistance Committee exclaimed that although Jordanian officials are aware of the contamination, they have made no efforts to avert a nuclear disaster.

He expressed serious doubts over Jordan's ability to control such disaster on its own. "Even the former Soviet Union, which was a far greater power than Jordan, could not control the contamination caused by the Chernobyl reactor meltdown," he compared.

The Zionist regime possesses the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal with at least 200 nuclear warheads. Months ago, prime minister Ehud Olmert admitted that Israel has nuclear arms, abandoning the ambiguity policy Tel Aviv had adopted over its nuclear weapons for decades.

The Chernobyl disaster was a major accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, 1986 which was followed by radioactive contamination of the surrounding geographic area.

A plume of radioactive fallout drifted over parts of western Soviet Union, eastern, western and northern Europe, and eastern North America. Large areas of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia also were badly contaminated, resulting in the evacuation and resettlement of over 336,000 people.

About 60 percent of the radioactive fallout landed in Belarus, according to official post-Soviet data.


Percentage of Americans who think the country is on the right track in a new NBC/WSJ poll out tonight, the lowest figure in 15 years. President Bush’s approval rating is at an all-time low of 29 percent. NBC’s Brian Williams reported:

We are in a volatile period in modern American history. The mood of this nation, which was after all founded on optimism and a promise of a better life, has turned decidedly grim and downright angry on some subjects.

Watch the full report:

آقاي خاتمي ! مراقب باشید - يادداشت روز کیهان به قلم حسین شریعتمداری

اخيراً فيلمي از جريان سفر آقاي سيدمحمد خاتمي به ايتاليا منتشر شده كه پرسش ها و اعتراض هاي فراواني را درپي داشته است. اين فيلم 5/6 دقيقه اي، آقاي خاتمي را در حال عبور از كنار صف مردان و زنان ايتاليايي كه ظاهراً در يك مراسم سخنراني به استقبال - يا بدرقه- ايشان آمده اند نشان مي دهد و جناب خاتمي با بسياري از آنان از جمله تعدادي از زنان و دختران دست داده و جملاتي رد و بدل مي كند!
درپي انتشار اين فيلم و برخي از اعتراض ها- از جمله انتقاد كيهان در ستون اخبار ويژه ديروز- دفتر موسسه بين المللي گفت وگوي تمدن ها كه آقاي خاتمي رياست آن را برعهده دارد با صدور بيانيه اي- جوابيه- سعي در تكذيب آن كرد و آقاي سيدمحمدصادق خرازي هم كه معاون آقاي خاتمي و همراه ايشان در سفر مورد اشاره بوده است در تكميل جوابيه دفتر ايشان توضيحات- به قول خود- جزئي تري ارائه كرد. كيهان اگرچه از تكذيب ماجرا استقبال مي كند و در ذيل خبر ويژه ديروز خود نيز آرزو كرده بود مصافحه آقاي خاتمي با زنان و دختران ايتاليايي صحت نداشته باشد ولي متاسفانه جوابيه دفتر آقاي خاتمي و توضيحات آقاي صادق خرازي جاي خوشبيني باقي نمي گذارد، بلكه همه دلسوزان را نسبت به برنامه ريزي پنهان و آشكار دشمنان دانا عليه آقاي خاتمي و دوستان غافل كه مثل گذشته اطراف ايشان را گرفته اند، نگران مي كند و...
1- دفتر آقاي خاتمي در جوابيه خود آورده است: «در حرمت لمس بدن نامحرم بدون ستر و نيز در اين كه در شرع انور حرمت و وجوب اولي به عنوان ثانوي تا بقاء عنوان مي تواند مرتفع شود ترديد نبايد كرد ولي آنچه با تصويرپردازي مشكوك با غرض يا هر انگيزه ديگر نشر يافته تا مصافحه آقاي خاتمي را با اجنبيه القاء كند خلاف شرع و اخلاق است و تكذيب مي شود».
به نكات زير در متن جوابيه دقت كنيد؛
الف؛ جمله اول كه به منظور توجيه شرعي اقدام آقاي خاتمي نوشته شده، با فرهنگ رايج در ميان اطرافيان آقاي خاتمي كمترين همخواني و مشابهتي ندارد و ظاهرا اين جمله از يك متن فقهي اقتباس شده و نويسنده مخصوصا اين جمله را با همان عبارت كه بيشتر براي افراد آشنا به متون فقهي قابل فهم است، نقل كرده تا مخاطبان عمومي اولا متوجه مفهوم آن نشوند و ثانيا تصور كنند كه اقدام آقاي خاتمي يك توجيه قطعي شرعي داشته است كه براي افراد ناآشنا به متون فقه قابل درك نيست!!
اما، مفهوم ساده اين جمله- كه از قضا بارها در جريان بحث پيرامون احكام اوليه و ثانويه به زبان بسيار ساده و روان در مطبوعات مطرح شده و مي شود- اين است كه در پاره اي از موارد به علت وجود يك عامل اضطراري مي توان يك عمل واجب را ترك كرد و يا يك عمل حرام را انجام داد. به عنوان مثال، كسي كه از گرسنگي در حال مرگ است و غير از گوشت گوسفندي كه ذبح شرعي نشده است، چيزي براي خوردن ندارد، مي تواند به اندازه اي كه از مرگ نجات پيدا كند، از آن گوشت بخورد و...
ب؛ اكنون بايد از تهيه كننده اين جوابيه پرسيد؛ آقاي خاتمي براي دست دادن با چندين زن و دختر نامحرم چه اضطراري داشته است؟! و اگر با آنها مصافحه نمي كرد چه خطري ايشان را تهديد مي كرد؟! و از جناب خاتمي به عنوان يك روحاني- كه بايد الگوي التزام به احكام الهي باشد- و به عنوان كسي كه 8 سال رياست جمهوري نظام اسلامي ايران را برعهده داشته است چگونه مي توان پذيرفت كه بديهي ترين احكام اسلامي را ناديده بگيرد؟ آقاي خاتمي در دوران رياست جمهوري و در مراسم رسمي و ديپلماتيك از دست دادن با خانم ها اجتناب مي كرد و اين موضوع يك قاعده تعريف شده- پروتكل- براي ديپلمات هاي ايران اسلامي بوده و هست. بنابراين چه عامل اضطراري مي تواند ايشان را ناچار به مصافحه با زنان و دختران ايتاليايي كرده باشد؟!
ج؛ تنظيم كنندگان اين جوابيه كوتاه در ادامه به ترفند ناشيانه ديگري دست زده و تلاش كرده اند با بيان جمله اي دوپهلو كه اصل ماجراي دست دادن را نفي نمي كند به خواننده اينگونه القاء كنند كه آن را تكذيب كرده اند! در اين جمله دقت كنيد «آنچه با تصويرپردازي مشكوك با غرض يا هر انگيزه ديگر نشر يافته تا مصافحه آقاي خاتمي را با اجنبيه- زن و دختر نامحرم- القاء كند عملي خلاف شرع و اخلاق است و تكذيب مي شود»! حالا بايد پرسيد چه چيزي را خلاف شرع مي دانيد و انتشار آن را تكذيب مي كنيد؟ دست دادن آقاي خاتمي با زنان و دختران ايتاليايي را يا انتشار اين خبر را؟!
در جوابيه فوق- اگر دقت شود- دست دادن آقاي خاتمي تكذيب نشده است بلكه نويسنده جوابيه انتشار اين فيلم را «خلاف شرع و اخلاق» دانسته است، كه بايد گفت؛ اگر انتشار اين فيلم خلاف شرع و اخلاق باشد به خاطر غيراخلاقي و خلاف شرع بودن اقدام آقاي خاتمي است، بنابراين چگونه مي توان نشر يك اقدام غيرشرعي را خلاف شرع دانست ولي خود آن اقدام را خلاف شرع ندانست؟! در اين بخش از جوابيه به طور ناخواسته اقدام خلاف آقاي خاتمي تاييد شده ولي انتشار فيلم مربوط به اين اقدام غيراخلاقي نيز، خلاف اخلاق معرفي شده است!
2- و اما سؤال برانگيزتر از جوابيه دفتر آقاي خاتمي، توضيحات به اصطلاح جزئي تر آقاي صادق خرازي است كه همه زحمات! دفتر آقاي خاتمي براي توجيه ماجرا و رفع و رجوع كردن آن را بر باد داده است. آقاي صادق خرازي در توضيحات خود آورده است؛
«استقبال از آقاي خاتمي در سفرهاي خارجي و نيز مراسم سخنراني هاي ايشان به حدي است كه گاه كنترل اوضاع از دست ايشان و اطرافيان خارج مي شود و در اين مواقع برخي مي كوشند با رساندن خودشان به آقاي خاتمي به ايشان ابراز ارادت كنند كه در مواقعي تصور مي شود با آقاي خاتمي مصافحه كرده اند. اين در حالي است كه اصولاً آقاي خاتمي به علت ازدحام جمعيت متوجه برخي تماس ها نمي شوند»!
آقاي صادق خرازي خود اگرچه كوشيده است تا به خيال خود، ماجراي مصافحه آقاي خاتمي با زنان و دختران ايتاليايي را تكذيب كند ولي بي آن كه بخواهد از صحت ماجرا خبر مي دهد كه بايد گفت؛
الف؛ در فيلم 5/6 دقيقه اي كمترين نشانه اي از «ازدحام جمعيت» ديده نمي شود، بلكه تعدادي از مردان و زنان ايتاليايي به صف ايستاده اند و آقاي خاتمي در كمال آرامش! و با فرصت و حوصله كافي! با يك يك آنها از جمله زنان و دختران دست داده و گاه نيز به گرمي حال و احوال مي كند! بنابراين معلوم نيست آقاي خرازي از كدام ازدحام جمعيت سخن گفته اند؟! گرچه ازدحام جمعيت نيز توجيه قابل قبولي نيست.
ب؛ مطابق آنچه در فيلم ديده مي شود هيچيك از افراد حاضر -به قول آقاي خرازي- براي نزديك شدن به آقاي خاتمي سر و دست نمي شكنند! بلكه آرام در جاي خود ايستاده اند و آقاي خاتمي به سوي آنها مي رود و با تك تك آنها دست مي دهد!...
3- ماجراي مورد اشاره چند ماه قبل اتفاق افتاده است و انتشار فيلم آن در اين روزها، سؤال برانگيز است و از دام خطرناكي حكايت مي كند كه دشمنان بيروني و دنباله هاي داخلي آنها- با همكاري برخي اطرافيان غفلت زده و يا خداي نخواسته نفوذي- پيش پاي آقاي خاتمي پهن كرده اند كه تعقيب اهداف زير از سوي دشمنان قابل اشاره است.
الف؛ شكستن حرمت احكام اسلامي آنهم از سوي يك شخصيت روحاني كه 8 سال رئيس جمهور نظام اسلامي ايران بوده است. اين نكته با توجه به پروژه اعلام شده سازمان سيا، موسسه «امريكن اينترپرايز» و توصيه مشاوران بوش براي ارائه قرائتي از اسلام كه با اسلام انقلابي امام(ره)- بخوانيد اسلام ناب محمدي (ص)- متفاوت باشد، از اهميت ويژه اي برخوردار است كه توجه آقاي خاتمي به اين دام ضروري است.
گفتني است، سال گذشته وقتي آقاي خاتمي در سفر به آمريكا اظهاراتي متضاد با نظرات امام راحل (ره) بر زبان آورد، جرج بوش رئيس جمهور آمريكا طي مصاحبه اي درباره علت صدور ويزاي ويژه براي آقاي خاتمي گفته بود «مي خواهم سخناني متفاوت با آنچه جمهوري اسلامي ايران بر زبان دارد بشنوم»!...
ب؛ بدنام كردن آقاي خاتمي در ميان مردم و نيروهاي مذهبي و جدا كردن ايشان از حلقه انقلاب اسلامي مي تواند يكي ديگر از اهداف دشمنان باشد مخصوصا آن كه آقاي خاتمي طي دو دوره قبل با رأي بالاي مردم به رياست جمهوري انتخاب شده بود و اينگونه اقدامات مي تواند جايگاه ايشان را در نگاه ملت مسلمان در حد يك روحاني كم توجه به احكام الهي تنزل دهد. چيزي كه به يقين آقاي خاتمي خواستار آن نيست، اگرچه به غفلت زمينه آن را فراهم كرده است.
ج؛ مسئله سازي و انحراف افكار عمومي از موضوعات اصلي از جمله اهداف احتمالي ديگر دشمنان بيروني و دنباله هاي داخلي آنهاست.
د؛ رويكرد به قدرت هاي بيگانه از طريق ارسال نشانه هايي مبني بر كم اعتقادي به ارزش هاي اسلامي با هدف جلب كمك و همراهي بيگانگان در معادلات و رقابت هاي سياسي داخلي را نيز به عنوان يكي از آثار اين اقدام نبايد از نظر دور داشت. اين ديدگاه به فراواني در ميان برخي از اطرافيان قبلي و كنوني آقاي خاتمي ديده شده است بنابراين توطئه اطرافيان در اين ماجرا بعيد نيست اگرچه گرايش آقاي خاتمي به قدرت هاي بيگانه بعيد است و نمي تواند قابل قبول باشد.
4- و بالاخره، كاش جناب آقاي خاتمي به هوش باشند و در اين دام گرفتار نشوند. بديهي است كه اينگونه اقدامات دشمن با هر انگيزه اي كه تدارك شده باشد، ناكام خواهد ماند اما، چرا در اين ميان شخصيت آقاي خاتمي مورد سوءاستفاده قرار بگيرد.
حسين شريعتمداري

9/11 The Falling Man