اهداف جامعه ایرانی چیست؟ « ما چگونه فکر می کنیم» و آنچه که در ایران مهم انگاشته می شود.

۱۳۸۶ خرداد ۱۳, یکشنبه

Stolen Iraqi jet helped Israel win six-day war

Uzi Mahnaimi, Tel Aviv

THE inside story of a daring mission to steal a Russian MiG21 jet fighter from Iraq has emerged in Israel as the country prepares to mark its stunning victory in the six-day war 40 years ago this week.

The secrets of the plane, which was flown to Israel by its decorated Iraqi pilot Munir Redfa, laid the foundation for a triumph by Israeli pilots during the 1967 war, in which the MiGs flown by the Egyptian, Syrian and Iraqi air forces were crippled.

Last week Zeev Liron, the pilot who persuaded the Iraqi to defect, recalled how the whole mission had nearly unravelled when Redfa’s wife, who had been told nothing, threw a fit in Paris on hearing the news that she was going to live in Israel.

In 1966 Redfa was a 32-year-old pilot in the Iraqi air force. He was frustrated that his Christian background was blocking prospects of promotion and outraged that he had been ordered to attack Iraqi Kurds. He was beginning to doubt whether he had any future in Iraq.

Joseph Shamash, one of Israel’s top agents in Baghdad, befriended Redfa and his wife Betty and persuaded them to join him on a Greek island holiday during which they were introduced to Liron. They knew him only as Josh.

“Josh can help you to leave Iraq,” Shamash whispered to Redfa.

“When Munir heard what we wanted – to fly his MiG from Iraq to Israel – he almost fainted,” said Liron. “‘My MiG? To Israel? Are you guys out of your minds?’” He pointed out that his tanks carried insufficient fuel to reach Israel and that he would be shot down as soon as he tried to head for the border.

Speaking as a fellow pilot, Liron pulled out a map and showed Redfa that his plan could work. “Finally Munir was convinced,” Liron said, “but by the morning he’d got cold feet.”

Urgent action was required. Mossad consulted Yitzhak Rabin, the army’s chief of staff and future prime minister, who ordered: “Bring him to Israel. Show him where he’ll land and let him fly in one of our jets.”

Redfa was given an Israeli passport in the name of Moshe Miz-rahi and touched down with Liron in Tel Aviv, where he was taken to the airfield where he would land the MiG. Before he left Israel, Redfa asked Liron not to tell his wife anything about the plan. “I’ll prepare the ground,” he promised. But he did not – and it almost derailed the operation.

Back in Baghdad, Redfa was assigned to a long-haul flight and he convinced his ground staff to add an extra fuel tank to his MiG.

Meanwhile, the Israelis arranged for Redfa’s entire family to leave Iraq for their summer holiday. The last to leave were Betty and their two children, aged three and five, who flew to Paris.

When Liron met her there ina Mossad safe house and told her they were about to fly to Israel, she had hysterics. “Forget it!” she screamed. “Israel? Are you mad? And who are you anyway? I’m going straight to the Iraqi embassy.”

“Only then did I realise Munir hadn’t said her a word to her about going to Israel,” said Liron.

Eventually he calmed Betty down, persuaded her not to expose the plot to the authorities, gave her an Israeli passport and got her onto a flight to Tel Aviv. Several hours after they landed, Redfa and his MiG21, escorted by an Israeli Mirage, landed at the airbase.

With Redfa’s help, the Israelis immediately began to unlock the secrets of the Russian plane. Their pilots tested it to its limits. They fought mock dogfights with their Mirages and learnt the tactics needed to beat it.

After the 1967 war, Redfa and his family left Israel. Betty had told her husband that living with the enemy was out of the question. Mossad arranged for them to adopt new identities – as the proprietors of a petrol station in the West.

The MiG was lent to the US, which tested it in the Nevada desert, and it helped develop a new generation of American fighters. In return, for the first time, the US began to supply Israel with modern jets. Redfa died of a heart attack in 1998.

Salam Dar Aghaji

Putin warns Europe in missile row

Vladimir Putin
Mr Putin says US missile defence plans may spark another arms race
Moscow may target weapons at Europe if the US builds planned missile defence facilities in the region, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

Russia has not pointed missiles towards Europe since the end of the Cold War.

Last week, Russia said it had tested a ballistic missile to maintain "strategic balance" in the world.

The US wants to expand its missile defences into Eastern Europe. It says the system is not aimed at Russia but Moscow says its security is threatened.

'Not our fault'

Mr Putin made the comments in an interview published in Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera ahead of the G8 meeting which starts in Germany on Wednesday.

If the American nuclear potential grows in European territory, we have to give ourselves new targets in Europe
President Vladimir Putin

He repeated warnings that the US defence shield could lead to a new arms race but said it would the fault of the Americans if this happened.

He said the US had "altered the strategic balance" by unilaterally pulling out of the anti-ballistic missile (ABM) treaty in 2002.

"If the American nuclear potential grows in European territory, we have to give ourselves new targets in Europe," Mr Putin said.

"It is up to our military to define these targets, in addition to defining the choice between ballistic and cruise missiles."

US President George W Bush is due to meet Mr Putin at the three-day G8 summit in the German resort of Heiligendamm.

Washington wants to deploy interceptor rockets in Poland and a radar base in the Czech Republic to counter what it describes as a potential threat from "rogue states" such as Iran and North Korea.

Last Tuesday, Russia tested an RS-24 missile that successfully struck its target 5,500km (3,400 miles) away.

It was designed to evade missile defence systems, Russia's defence ministry said.

دولتمردان به جاي پرداختن به مشكلات اساسي وارد حاشيه شده اند

واکنش نمايندگان مجلس به موضوع ازدواج موقت
نماينده اروميه:
دولتمردان به جاي پرداختن به مشكلات اساسي وارد حاشيه شده اند
واقعيت اسلام را كنار گذاشته‌‏ و با نام آن زندگي مي‌‏كنيم
تهران- خبرگزاري كار ايران

نماينده اروميه در مجلس هفتم، گفت: مسوولان و دولتمردان با طرح مسائلي مانند ازدواج موقت و مبارزه با بدحجابي در واقع به حاشيه زده‌‏اند تا از زير باز مسايلي مانند گراني, فحشا, اعتياد و بيكاري شانه خالي كنند.

عابد فتاحي، درگفت وگو با خبرنگار ايلنا، در واكنش به اظهارات وزيركشور در خصوص ازدواج موقت، گفت: البته اسلام در خصوص بحث ازدواج موقت مخالفتي ندارد، اما با توجه به شرايط كنوني جامعه، اين موضوع را زيبنده كشور نمي‌‏دانيم.
وي، افزود: در اسلام، بحث ازدواج موقت براي يكسري شرايط خاص لحاظ شده است و اين كه در شرايط عادي هر مردي برود چندين زن را به صورت موقت به عقد خود در آورد، جاي تامل دارد.
فتاحي، اضافه كرد: بنده شخصا با طرح چنين مسايلي كه شئون ملت و مردم عظيم الشان ايران را ناديده مي‌‏گيرد، مخالف هستم.
وي، ادامه داد: ما يك فرهنگ ملي داريم و يك فرهنگ مذهبي كه تحت هيچ شرايطي نبايد هيچ‌‏كدام از آن‌‏ها را فداي ديگري كنيم.
اين نماينده مجلس هفتم، افزود: مردم ايران در تاريخ داراي شأن و شئوني هستند و مقامات جمهوري اسلامي بايد اين را درك كنند و به عزت مردم و سرزمين ايران احترام بگذارند.
وي، ادامه داد: به شدت مخالف اين وضعيت هستم كه هرمسوولي هر روز يك موضوع را باب كند و مسايلي مثل خانه عفاف, مبارزه با بدحجابي و ازدواج موقت را در جامعه مطرح نمايد.
فتاحي، افزود: متاسفانه مسوولان و دولتمردان به جاي پرداختن به مشكلات اصلي و اساسي مانند گراني, اعتياد, بيكاري وارد حاشيه شده‌‏اند و مسايلي مثل مبارزه با بدحجابي و ازدواج موقت را طرح مي‌‏كنند.
وي، با بيان اين كه در بين نمايندگان، اولين كسي بودم كه به شيوه برخورد با بدحجابي اعتراض داشتم، تصريح كرد: با اين كه با اصل حجاب موافق هستم؛ ولي اين گونه مبارزه با بدحجابي و ترويج حجاب را قبول ندارم.
نماينده اروميه، خاطرنشان كرد: با توجه به اين كه انتخابات رياست جمهوري و مجلس در راه است، بهتر است مسوولان نيز به جاي منحرف كردن اذهان عمومي از مشكلات اصلي، به حل آن مشكلات بپردازند.
وي، افزود: اگر آن‌‏ها نبينند ما خوب مي‌‏بينيم و دقيقا مي‌‏دانيم كه قضيه چيست.
فتاحي، ادامه داد: مسوولان بايد حتما از نظر اسلامي ساز و كار تحقق اصول اين دين را فراهم كنند؛ واقعا ما در كجاي جامعه اخلاق اسلامي را داريم كه وقتي به ازدواج مي‌‏رسد و نوبت به خانم‌‏ها مي‌‏رسد بخواهيم تا جزيي‌‏ترين مسايل نيز طبق دين عمل كنيم.
وي، افزود: اگر راست مي‌‏گوييم و قصد حفظ و رعايت اخلاق اسلامي در جامعه را داريم تمام اصول وكرامت‌‏هاي ديني را در جامعه پيدا كنيم.
فتاحي، گفت: متاسفانه امروز براساس شيوه‌‏هاي اسلامي زندگي نمي‌‏كنيم؛ اگر شيوه اسلامي واقعا در جامعه اجرا شود هيچ كدام از مسائلي كه اكنون با آن دست به گريبان هستيم را نخواهيم داشت.
وي، افزود: به نام اسلام زندگي كردن با اين كه با اسلام زندگي كنيم كاملا متفاوت است؛ ما واقعيت اسلام را كنار گذاشته‌‏ايم و با نام آن زندگي مي‌‏كنيم.
فتاحي، گفت: ديگر زمان آن رسيده كه نمايندگان جرات پيدا كنند و به دور از هر گونه ترس از آينده، وجدان دين و ايمان خود را ملاك قرار دهند و به خاطر مردم و كشور زبان باز كنند و حقايق را بگويند؛ زيرا فقط با چند نفر در مجلس نمي‌‏توان به مبارزه با مشكلات اجتماعي رفت.
وي، افزود: متاسفانه در حال حاضر در مجلس فقط چند نفر انگشت شمار به بيان حقايق مي‌‏پردازند، ولي وظيفه ما است كه در يكسال باقي‌‏مانده از عمر مجلس ساير نمايندگان نيز به اين صف بپيوندند و اين مسايلي كه شان و شئون مردم ايران و اسلام را خدشه‌‏دار مي كند را بيان كنند.
نماينده اروميه، افزود: اگر بحث بدحجابي از بيرون از ايران نشات مي‌‏گيرد، به اعتقاد بنده اين گونه روش‌‏هاي برخوردي نيز از بيرون تحميل مي‌‏شود.
وي، با نكوهش طرح ازدواج موقت در جامعه ايران، گفت: ما نمي‌‏توانيم با طرح مسايلي چون ازدواج موقت، بر جايگاه زنان ايراني، مردان ايراني و بافت خانواده ايراني خدشه وارد كنيم.
نماينده اروميه، با بيان اين كه بايد بافت خانواده ايراني را ارج نهاد و نبايد به راحتي خانواده‌‏هاي ايراني را زير سوال برد، متذكر شد؛ بايد ديد اسلام تا كجا در مورد ازدواج موقت به ما اجازه داده است، متاسفانه با طرح چنين مسايلي بافت خانواده‌‏هاي ايراني را به هم ريزند، در حالي كه بايد به دنبال حل مشكلات اساسي مردم در زمينه گراني, اعتياد, فحشا و امثالهم باشند.
وي، ادامه داد: اگر بتوان بيكاري جوانان را حل كرد؛ قطعا ازدواج‌‏هاي دايم و محكمي در جامعه پي ريزي خواهد شد.
نماينده اروميه،تصريح كرد: به خاطر ايران و خانواده‌‏هاي ارزشمند ايران و به خاطر اسلام و تمام ارزش‌‏هاي جامعه، نبايد اين مسايل به اين راحتي مطرح شود.

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