اهداف جامعه ایرانی چیست؟ « ما چگونه فکر می کنیم» و آنچه که در ایران مهم انگاشته می شود.

۱۳۸۶ خرداد ۴, جمعه

West complains to IAEA chief over Iran atom remarks

Fri May 25, 2007
By Mark Heinrich

VIENNA (Reuters) - U.S. and allied envoys met the U.N. nuclear watchdog chief on Friday to voice concern about remarks he made suggesting it was too late to get Iran to shut down its uranium enrichment program, diplomats said.

Iran has made advances towards creating a nuclear energy industry recently while big powers have stuck to a demand, which Tehran has repeatedly rejected as humiliating, that it suspend all enrichment-related activity to win talks on trade benefits.

International Atomic Energy Agency director Mohamed ElBaradei is increasingly concerned Iran's festering stand-off with the West could lead to conflict engulfing the Middle East.

He irked big powers by suggesting in recent interviews that their demand, mirrored in U.N. Security Council resolutions, for zero enrichment in Iran to prevent it gaining nuclear knowledge was obsolete since Tehran could already refine uranium.

ElBaradei called for a face-saving compromise that would cap Iranian enrichment activity at its current modest scale, before it reaches industrial proportions yielding large stockpiles of fuel convertible into material for atom bombs.

The point of the visit by U.S., British, French and Japanese ambassadors to the IAEA to ElBaradei's office was to stress that Security Council policy was law, adopted unanimously, and that they wanted his support, diplomats said.

"We made our concerns clear about the need for a complete suspension. We felt his published remarks were not helpful at this time," a British diplomat told Reuters.

U.S. mission spokesman Matt Boland said the four envoys and ElBaradei had a "good constructive meeting. They all agreed on the importance of Iran fully cooperating with the IAEA and complying with its international obligations."

One diplomat said the ambassadors asked ElBaradei to clarify his remarks. IAEA officials had no immediate comment.


The encounter came two days after an IAEA report said Iran was starting to enrich uranium in substantial amounts with 1,300 centrifuge machines. Iran was likely to have 3,000 installed by midsummer, laying the foundation for "industrial" production.

Iraq Dominates PEJ’s First Quarterly NCI Report

Cable News

Looking more closely at the cable universe itself—among the three channels as well as across day parts—PEJ found distinct differences between the three channels, far more than discerned between the three commercial network channels or newspapers.

As an example, we found that coverage of the three biggest stories of the quarter—Iraq policy debate, the 2008 campaign and Anna Nicole Smith differed greatly across the three channels and day parts.

Overall, MSNBC and CNN were much more consumed with the war in Iraq than was Fox. MSNBC, for instance, devoted nearly a third of the time studied to the war (26% on the policy debate, 3% on events on the ground and 2% the homefront). Fox, by contrast, spent less than half that much time on the war—15% in all, (10% on the policy debate, 3% on events in Iraq and 1% on the homefront).

Percent of Newshole Devoted Three Major Stories on Cable TV
Dec. 31, '06 - Mar. 31, '07

Iraq War Total
(all 3 threads)

2008 Presidential Campaign

Anna Nicole Smith





Fox News








All Cable




On CNN, Iraq coverage totaled 25%, again mostly focused on policy debate (14%). Events on the ground received 7% of the coverage (coming in second overall) while the homefront trailed at 3%.

MSNBC also spent more time on the presidential campaign than its rivals (14%), compared with 9% on Fox and 7% on CNN.

If Fox was less focused on the Iraq War, what took its place? Mostly—according to the numbers—Anna Nicole Smith. Coverage of her death trailed just barely the airtime spent on the Iraq policy debate, accounting for 9.6% of all the Fox content studied (versus 10.1% for the Iraq policy debate). Fox also stood out for its lack of coverage on the firings of the U.S. attorneys, compared with the other channels. The story, which gained real momentum in mid March, consumed a mere 2% of Fox’s total airtime. CNN devoted twice that percent (4%) and MSNBC four times (8%).

Another interesting comparison is the percent of time devoted to just a few big stories. On MSNBC, more than half of its programming consisted of just four stories. On CNN and Fox, it wasn’t until the 9th and 11th stories respectively that we reached 49%.

Moreover, MSNBC’s four top stories reveal something about the network’s identity. The perennial third-place finisher in the cable news ratings race sometimes seemed to struggle in trying to create a coherent identity and niche. Officials recently stated their intention to focus on Washington politics and policy. The study demonstrates that strategy.

The network’s top four stories—the Iraq policy debate, the 2008 campaign, the fired U.S. attorneys, and the Valerie Plame leak/Scooter Libby trial—are all, at their core, about Washington and politics. When added together, they accounted for 55% of MSNBC’s total coverage. (The same four stories filled 26% of the Fox News Channel’s airtime and 27% of CNN’s newshole.)That emphasis on Beltway topics is even more obvious in a prime-time MSNBC lineup of hosts that includes former Jimmy Carter speechwriter Chris Matthews, outspoken liberal Keith Olbermann, veteran conservative host Tucker Carlson, and former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough. Nearly two-thirds (62%) of MSNBC’s prime time airtime was consumed by those four stories in the first part of 2007. When it comes to the Fox News Channel, there has long been a debate in media circles about whether the cable ratings leader has a clear conservative tilt or whether it is an antidote to a media landscape dominated by liberals. That argument is beyond of the scope of this report, but Fox gave considerably less coverage than its rivals to two subjects that were largely bad news for the Bush administration—the war in Iraq and the U.S. attorneys scandal.

Cable Coverage of Select Stories
Percent of Newshole,

Dec. 31, '06 - Mar. 31, '07

Iraq War U.S. Attorneys
Fox News 15% 2%
CNN 25% 4%
MSNBC 31% 8%

Aside from its high level of interest in the Anna Nicole Smith saga, one of Fox’s other top-10 stories (that did not make either CNN’s or MSNBC’s list) was a sensational crime tale. The network devoted 2% of its total airtime to the January tale of two Missouri teenage boys who were abducted and ultimately rescued from a man now charged with kidnapping, sodomy and attempted murder.

It is harder to characterize CNN—which fell in the first quarter of 2007 somewhere in between the Fox News Channel and MSNBC in its story selection. The one area of obvious distinction was the network’s emphasis on the immigration debate, which was its sixth biggest story at 4%. The subject was not among MSNBC’s top-10 story list and Fox devoted only 2% of its coverage to the topic. CNN’s attention to the issue stems from the relentless coverage by Lou Dobbs, the host of the network’s 6 pm show, and an outspoken advocate for stricter enforcement of immigration laws. More than one-third (35%) of all immigrations stories—across all the media studied—appeared on the Lou Dobbs’ show.

Cable Differences by Daypart

There are also noticeable differences in cable news depending on the time of day.

Overall, the three channels were much more distinct from each other in the daytime hours. Each had a different top story in the first quarter of the year. Fox viewers were most likely to learn about Anna Nicole (17%), while MSNBC talked primarily about the upcoming elections (16%) and CNN spent most time on Iraq policy debate (11%).

Again, MSNBC stood out here for spending more time on just a few stories, a narrower or more focused or targeted agenda. The top three stories—the campaign, Iraq policy and Anna Nicole Smith—amounted to 41% of all the daytime programming studied, versus about 25% devoted to the top three stories on Fox and CNN.

Percent of Newshole Devoted Three Major Stories on Cable TV
Dec. 31, '06 - Mar. 31, '07

Iraq War Total (all 3 threads)

2008 Presidential Campaign

Anna Nicole Smith

Cable Daytime








Fox News








Cable Evening








Fox News








In the later programs, the biggest difference was in the degree of emphasis, rather than in the selection of stories themselves. All three channels led with the Iraq policy debate, but MSNBC spent more than twice as much of its airtime (30%) on the subject than Fox (12%) or CNN (15%). The second story was also the same across channels—the 2008 elections—again with MSNBC devoting a greater percent to the topic than the other two (13% versus 10% for Fox and 8% for CNN). After that, the three channels diverged. Fox continued it primetime focus on Anna Nicole (8%), while CNN moved to events in Iraq (7%) and MSNBC talked about the fired U.S. attorneys (10%).

Iran ambassador to Iraq leads Monday talks with US


TEHRAN, (Reuters) - Tehran's ambassador to Iraq will lead the Iranian delegation in talks with U.S. officials in Iraq on Monday to discuss stability in the country, Iran's Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

It is a rare face-to-face meeting between the arch-enemies who broke ties shortly after the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran that toppled the U.S.-backed Shah. "Hassan Kazemi-Qomi will lead the Iranian delegation for talks with America's representative about Iraq's security," ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini said. "The talks will start on Monday."

Iran has said the talks, being held at the request of Iraqi leaders, would focus on Iraq's situation, dismissing the possibility of discussing other issues, including Iran's disputed nuclear programme.

The United States accuses Iran of fomenting violence in Iraq by backing Shi'ite militia in the neighbouring country and of providing weapons and the technology for new versions of roadside bombs used to kill American troops.

Tehran denies the charges and accuses Washington of igniting tension between Iraq's Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims.

Iran is locked in a standoff with the West over its atomic programme. Washington accuses Tehran of wanting nuclear weapons.

Iran says it needs nuclear technology only to generate electricity.

قديري ابيانه: امكان ايجاد هولوكاست به برخي كشورها "حق وتو" داده است

محمدحسن قديري ابيانه" سفير جمهوري اسلامي ايران در مكزيك، نظام كنوني بين‌المللي را داراي "اشكالات اساسي" خواند و گفت كه برخورداري از امكان ايجاد هولوكاست در ابعاد ميليوني، موجب برخورداري از "حق وتو" در شوراي امنيت شده است.

به گزارش سفارت ايران در شهر مكزيكو، وي در ديدار با "لوپز گومز" معاون خبر شبكه خبري "تله ويسا"، يكي از مهمترين شبكه‌هاي تلويزيوني آمريكاي لاتين افزود:" آنچه موجب شده است انگليس با حدود ‪ ۶۰‬ميليون نفر جمعيت از حق وتو در سازمان ملل برخوردار باشد، اما مكزيك با بيش از ‪۱۰۰‬ ميليون جمعيت از چنين امكاناتي برخوردار نباشد، ناشي از مسلح بودن انگلستان به سلاح هسته‌اي است."
قديري ابيانه، برخورداري كشورهاي داراي سلاح هسته‌اي از حق وتو را با منطق "قانون جنگل" قابل قياس دانست.

وي گفت: تاريخ بيش از دو قرن اخير نشان مي‌دهد ايران به هيچ كشوري تجاوز نكرده، حال آنكه شكل‌گيري آمريكا بر اساس جنايت و تجاوزات صورت گرفته است.

سفير ايران خاطرنشان كرد: اگر هولوكاست به معناي نابودي انسانها در كوره‌هاي آدم سوزي است، بايد گفت آمريكا با بمباران اتمي هيروشيما و ناكازاكي، دو شهر را با صدها هزار نفر جمعيت به كوره آدم سوزي مبدل ساخته است.

قديري ابيانه در بخش ديگري از سخنانش، از تحريف و وارونه جلوه دادن حقايق توسط رسانه‌هاي آمريكايي ابراز تاسف كرد و اظهارداشت: همانگونه كه وقتي گفته مي‌شد نازيسم و فاشيسم بايد از بين برود به معناي از بين رفتن سرزمين آلمان و ايتاليا و كشته‌شدن مردم آن نبود، زماني هم كه از لزوم نابودي صهيونيسم سخن به ميان مي‌آيد، مقصود از بين رفتن قطعه‌اي از يك سرزمين و مردم ساكن در آن نيست.

وي افزود: متاسفانه، رسانه‌هاي تحت سلطه امپرياليسم با تحريف واقعيات اينگونه وانمود مي‌كنند كه ايران با برنامه هسته‌اي خود، به دنبال توليد بمب براي حذف ساكنان سرزمين فلسطين از روي نقشه كره زمين است اما اين حقيقت ندارد.

سفير ايران تصريح كرد: ما همانطور كه فاشيست‌ها و نازيستها كه خود را مسيحي مي‌دانستند با مسيحيت يكي نمي‌دانيم، صهيونيستها را هم كه خود را يهودي مي‌دانند با يهوديت يكسان نمي‌پنداريم.

قديري ابيانه گفت: ما همچنين مي‌گوييم اگر نازيها جناياتي مرتكب شده‌اند چرا بايد تاوان آن را فلسطيني‌ها بپردازند؟
وي بااشاره به زندگي مسالمت آميز پيروان اديان الهي در ايران تصريح كرد: آمريكا مي‌داند كه ايران به دنبال سلاح هسته‌اي نيست اما دروغ پردازي جزيي از راهكار آمريكا عليه ساير ملتها به ويژه در خاورميانه است تا شايد بتواند منابع نفتي آنان را غارت كند.

سفير ايران در بخش ديگري از سخنانش به سياست ايران براي توسعه روابط با كشورهاي آمريكاي لاتين اشاره كرد و شناخت دو ملت ايران و مكزيك از يكديگر را لازمه تحقق چنين هدفي دانست.

قديري ابيانه در اين راستا، لزوم تبادل خبرنگاران دو كشور، همكاري رسانه‌هاي گروهي و انعكاس واقعيات از سوي آنها را مورد تاكيد قرار داد.