اهداف جامعه ایرانی چیست؟ « ما چگونه فکر می کنیم» و آنچه که در ایران مهم انگاشته می شود.

۱۳۸۶ آبان ۳, پنجشنبه

انتخاب حق مردم است ولي هر منتخبي حق نيست

نماينده ولي فقيه در سپاه:/كامل/
ـ انتخاب حق مردم است ولي هر منتخبي حق نيست
ـ سپاه نقش موثري در افزايش حضور عموم مردم در انتخابات دارد

سرويس: سياسي
8608-01305: كد خبر

خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران - شهركرد
سرويس: سياسي

نمايندهي ولي فقيه در سپاه گفت: سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامي از 8 هزار تحليل‌گر سياسي، اقتصادي براي آگاهي بيشتر بسيجيان كشور استفاده مي‌كند.

به گزارش خبرنگار خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران(ايسنا) حجت‌الاسلام والمسلمين علي سعيدي طي سخناني در نهمين همايش استاني هاديان سياسي سپاه و بسيج در چهارمحال و بختياري افزود: بخش توجيه سياسي و افزايش قدرت تحليل و فهم سياسي در بين سپاه از جمله وظايف بسيار مهم حوزه نمايندگي ولايت فقيه بوده و هست كه ما براي اين امر داراي اراده قوي و شبكه‌ گسترده در سپاه و بسيج هستيم كه به امر و هدايت سياسي مي‌پردازند.

وي درباره انتخابات مجلس شوراي اسلامي گفت: انتخاب و انتخابات به يك بنياد فكري ديني برمي‌گردد. انتخاب حق مردم است ولي هر منتخبي حق نيست و انتخاب مردم بايد در راستاي منتخب ذات باري‌تعالي باشد.

سعيدي ادامه داد: اسلاميت نظام و تداوم آن به راي هدفمند مردم در انتخابات بستگي دارد و از شخص رهبري تا يك دهدار در يك روستا در اسلامي كردن اين نظام وظيفه دارند.

نماينده ولي فقيه در سپاه درباره نقش نمايندگان و مديران در انتخابات گفت: در جاي جاي كشور مسوولين در محافل مختلف با اقشار مردم مراوده و صحبت دارند و مردم صحبت خدمتگزاران خود را قبول مي‌كنند.

وي به نقش سپاه پاسداران اشاره كرد و گفت: سپاه پاسداران نقش موثري در افزايش حضور عموم مردم در انتخابات همانند هفت دوره قبل دارد.

وي درباره شاخص‌هاي افراد اصلح در انتخابات گفت: ما با زباني رسا اعلام مي‌كنيم طرفدار افرادي متدين، اسلام‌مدار، انقلابي و كساني هستيم كه در مجلس ترجمان حرف‌هاي رهبري باشند.

وي گفت: شوراي نگهبان صالح را انتخاب مي‌كند ولي مردم بايد اصلح را انتخاب كنند.

نماينده‌ ولي فقيه در سپاه مهم‌ترين شاخصه سپاه پاسداران را تجلي معنويت در آن دانست و گفت: معنويت در نگرش، رفتار و مديريت اين نهاد بايد بروز و ظهور پيدا كند.

به گزارش ايسنا سعيدي افزود: معنويت يك مساله تلفيقي است و مهم‌ترين مولفه‌هاي آن عبارت از باور و اعتقاد حقيقي به ذات باريتعالي، تجلي اين باور در عملكرد ديني و التزام عملي به واجبات و محرمات، برخورداري از روحيه‌ شهادت‌طلبي و ايثارگري و برخورداري از ظرفيت انجام ماموريت در سخت‌ترين شرايط است كه اين مولفه‌ها هم عنصر بصيرت، معنويت و انگيزه متعالي و هم بعد ولايت‌مداري و تبعيت از سلسله مراتب و حركت در جهت معنويت را در برمي‌گيرد.

وي خاطرنشان كرد: فراهم نمودن بخشي از اين حقيقت از جنبه ذهني و آموزشي از طريق نظام آموزشي و عقيدتي، بخشي از طريق هدايت سياسي و جريان‌شناسي با شبكه گسترده هاديان سياسي در سپاه و بخشي نيز از طريق مقوله‌هاي تربيتي از طريق حضور روحانيون وارسته در مجموعه فراهم مي‌شود.

وي افزود: در بعد الگوسازي، تجسمي از الگوهاي استاندارد شده‌ ديني را در سپاه ساخته و در بعد نظارتي نيز از برخي ناهنجاري‌ها و تخلفات جلوگيري مي‌شود.

نماينده ولي فقيه در سپاه ادامه داد: در سه دهه‌ اخير پس از پيروزي انقلاب با تغييرهاي بسياري در سطح جهان، منطقه و كشور روبه‌رو شده‌ايم؛ چراكه جنگ تحميلي حركت سازنده‌اي براي جامعه‌ ما بود.

وي " گسترش ماهواره و اينترنت و ورود در عرصه‌هاي سازندگي در كشور" را از متغيرهايي دانست كه مستلزم پيش‌بيني اهرم‌هايي براي جبران خلاء گذشته است.

سعيدي با بيان اين‌كه " هم‌اكنون سپاه هم از لحاظ بينش سياسي نسبت به دشمن خارجي و تحولات دروني كشور و هم از لحاظ رعايت استانداردها در وضعيت خوبي به سر مي‌برد" افزود: استانداردهاي ما در سپاه با استانداردهاي بيرون متفاوت است؛ چراكه نيروي پاسدار انقلاب بايد از دستاوردهاي بالايي برخوردار بوده و در همه‌ مسايل پيشتاز باشد. با اين حال ما قانع نيستيم و خود را براي برداشتن گام‌هاي بيشتر و فراتر آماده مي‌كنيم.

وي با تاكيد بر اجتنابب از فعاليت‌هاي سياسي در سپاه گفت: ورود نيروهاي مسلح به قلمرو احزاب، گروه‌ها و تشكل‌ها ممنوع است و هيچ‌يك از سازمان‌ها و احزاب حق ندارند، سپاه را مركز تحول خود قرار دهند در كنار اين‌كه سپاه براي پاسداري از انقلاب به وجود آمده و اين پاسداري از انقلاب انحصار به بخش نظامي ندارد.

وي تاكيد كرد: اگر در قضيه انتخابات سپاه مروج معيارها جهت ورود به عرصه‌ هدايت سياسي شد، تنها به بيان معيارها و شاخصه‌ها اكتفا مي‌كند و درصدد تهيه ليست برنمي‌آيد.

سعيدي با بيان اين‌كه " دفاع مقدس پتانسيل بالايي براي آسيب‌زدايي، افزايش معنويات و سازندگي در برداشت" افزود: امروز بايد در كشور فرآيندي را تعريف كنيم كه جايگزين آن دوران شود. يعني نظام آموزش عقيدتي ما بتواند روحيه‌ شهادت‌طلبي، فداكاري و ايثار را در نيروهاي ما تقويت كند.

نماينده ولي فقيه در سپاه ادامه داد: روحانيت ما در مجموعه‌ سپاه بايد ارزش‌هاي دفاع مقدس را به نسل دوم و سوم منتقل كند؛ به طوري كه به موازات متغيرهاي جامعه زمينه واكسينه كردن، تامين معنويت، ظرفيت پايداري، ايثار، گذشت و فداكاري را در مجموعه‌ سپاه تامين كند.

وي افزود: دستگاه تبليغي، عقيدتي و سياسي سپاه بايد اين ظرفيت را در خود داشته باشد و ايجاد كند كه بتواند خلائي كه در دفاع مقدس تامين مي‌شد را در روش جاري خود فراهم آورد.

وي به انجام فعاليت‌هاي تئوريك از طريق بازگو كردن و نوشتن آن‌چه در دفاع مقدس صورت گرفته چه در قالب نوشتاري و چه هنري اشاره كرد و افزود: مديران بايد در رفتارشان از شهيد همت، باكري، بروجردي و غيره و شاخصه‌هاي رفتاري و كرداري آن‌ها الگو بگيرند؛ چراكه بهترين شيوه‌ تربيت، تربيت الگويي است.

نماينده ولي فقيه در سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامي هم‌چنين در يك نشست مطبوعاتي گفت: نيروي زميني به لحاظ ظرفيت، توانايي، تخصص و تجهيزاتش و هم‌چنين نيروي مقاومت به لحاظ نيروي مردمي داراي توان و روحيه بالا، به ظرفيت مناسبي براي پاسداري از انقلاب و دستاوردهاي تبديل شده‌اند و لازم و ملزوم يكديگرند و مي توانند به رسالت‌هاي متنوع سپاه جامه عمل بپوشانند.

به گزارش ايسنا سعيدي به " پيوستن گردان‌هاي عاشورا و الزهرا به نيروي زميني سپاه" اشاره كرد و افزود: تدبير فرمانده كل قوا در اين مقطع برقراري ارتباط تنگ‌تر بين نيروي زميني و نيروي مقاومت است، تا هم مجموعه عظيم نيروي مقاومت بتواند با ظرفيت بالايي وارد عمل شود و هم نيروي زميني بستر مناسبي را براي خدمت و مهارت‌افزايي نيروي مقاومت بدست آورد و در اين خصوص بيشتر ارتباط بين اين دو مدنظر است.

وي با بيان اين‌كه " به موازات بروز و ظهور ايفاي نقش فعال جمهوري اسلامي در عرصه منطقه خاورميانه ميزان دشمني آمريكا با نظام جمهوري اسلامي بيشتر شده ومي شود" خاطرنشان كرد: طرح خاورميانه بزرگ آمريكا كاملا شكست خورده و هم‌چنين آمريكا هزينه بسيار سنگيني براي حمايت از رژيم صهيونيستي در خاورميانه متحمل شده است.

وي افزود: حضور آمريكا در عراق براي تامين سوخت و نفت آمريكا و حمايت از رژيم صهيونيستي خاورميانه است و در كنار اين، جمهوري اسلامي در اوج اقتدار و قدرت، از يك ديپلماسي فعال و تهاجمي در منطقه برخوردار است.

سعيدي به " تاثيرات جمهوري اسلامي در جهان و حتي در حيات خلوت آمريكا يعني آمريكاي لاتين" اشاره كرد و ادامه داد: بيداري اسلامي روز به روز در سطح منطقه در حال گسترش است، به طوري كه آخرين ثمر آن پس از گذر 7 دهه از لائيسيته، دراختيار قرار دادن قوه مقننه و مجريه به اصولگرايان در يك جهش توسط مردم بود.

سعيدي سپاه پاسداران را نهادي قوي و نيرومند براي مقابله با هرگونه تهديد وخطر دانست و افزود: سپاه يعني 70 ميليون جمعيت. سپاه نهادي مردمي و وابسته به جامعه و برخاسته از مردم است و مردم روزانه نقش سپاه را در سازندگي، امنيت داخلي، سفرهاي خارجي، دفاع مقدس و ... مي بينند و لذا تهديدات آمريكا نمي‌تواند از محبوبيت سپاه بين مردم كم كند.

وي تصريح كرد: حضور بسيج در جاي جاي كشور در قالب 45 هزار پايگاه مقاومت و 4 هزار و پانصد حوزه مقاومت ظرفيت بالايي براي گسترش كارهاي فرهنگي است.

نماينده ولي فقيه در سپاه مطلوب‌ترين و گسترده‌ترين فعاليت بسيج در زمان صلح را انجام فعاليت فرهنگي در كنار سازندگي بهداشت و درمان و ديگر فعاليت‌ها دانست و افزود: انجام اين‌گونه فعاليت‌ها نيازمند هماهنگي بيشتر است.

وي از برگزاري رزمايش بزرگ ايران مقتدر، از مجموعه نيروي بسيج ادارات و كارخانجات به مدت سه روز در منطقه عمومي قم خبر داد و گفت: هدف از برگزاري اين رزمايش تبادل اطلاعات، توجيه مناسب نيروها و آماده‌سازي در جهت اقتدار افزايي است

۱۳۸۶ آبان ۲, چهارشنبه

Nuclear split emerges in Iran

Robert Tait in Tehran
Wednesday October 24, 2007
The Guardian

Signs of a split over nuclear policy at the heart of Iran's leadership emerged yesterday after MPs and an adviser to the country's most powerful political figure criticised the departure of its chief negotiator, Ali Larijani.

Ali Akbar Velayati, foreign policy adviser to the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, praised Mr Larijani and said his resignation should not have happened. His comments coincided with a letter of support for Mr Larijani signed by 200 MPs in Iran's parliament. The parliament's foreign and national security committee wrote to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, complaining that Mr Larijani's departure "put the country in danger".

Mr Larijani quit last Saturday after complaining that Mr Ahmadinejad had undermined his negotiating strategy. The resignation was seen as evidence that Mr Khamenei had handed greater control to the president, who has declared the nuclear case "closed" and replaced Mr Larijani with a close ally, Saeed Jalili.

However, that interpretation was cast in doubt by Mr Velayati's intervention.

Meanwhile a spokesman for the Armenian president, Robert Kocharyan, yesterday said Mr Ahmadinejad had been forced to cut short a trip there because of unspecified developments.

۱۳۸۶ مهر ۲۳, دوشنبه

مهار تورم را از تركيه بياموزيد

آيت‌الله مكارم: مهار تورم را از تركيه بياموزيد
اخباري از اقتصاد تركيه به ما مي‌رسد كه در آنجا تورم 70درصدي را به 7درصد كاهش داده‌اند؛ مسئولان بايد ببينند آنها چه فرمول و محاسباتي انجام داده‌اند
روند صعودي ماه به ماه نرخ تورم به‌رغم هدف‌گذاري دولت براي كاهش تدريجي اين نرخ، واكنش آيت‌الله العظمي مكارم شيرازي را برانگيخت.

اين مرجع تقليد خطاب به دولتمردان و مسئولان گفت: اخباري از اقتصاد تركيه به ما مي‌رسد كه در آنجا تورم 70درصدي را به 7درصد كاهش داده‌اند؛ مسئولان بايد ببينند آنها چه فرمول و محاسباتي انجام داده‌اند، تا از اين تجربه استفاده كنند؛ چرا ما نمي‌توانيم تورم مثلا 15درصدي را به 10درصد كاهش دهيم؟

علت چيست؟
اظهارات آقاي مكارم شيرازي در حالي صورت گرفته است كه نرخ تورم ايران در سال گذشته نسبت به نرخ 1/12درصدي سال 84 باز هم افزايش يافت و به 6/13درصد رسيد.
همچنين نرخ تورم به روند افزايشي خود در ماه‌هاي اخير ادامه داده و در خردادماه به 8/14درصد، در مردادماه به 4/15درصد و در شهريورماه به 8/15درصد صعود كرده است. ضمن اين‌كه نرخ تورم شهريور نسبت به ماه مشابه سال قبل رقمي بالغ‌بر 9/17درصد گزارش شده است. آيت‌الله العظمي مكارم شيرازي با اشاره به توانمندي‌هاي فكر ايراني به دولتمردان توصيه كرد كه از نخبگان اقتصادي استفاده كنند تا اين مشكل اساسي مملكت حل شود.
بررسي‌هاي «دنياي اقتصاد» حاكي از آن است كه نرخ تورم در كشور تركيه از مرز 85درصد در سال 1998 به حدود 50درصد در سال 2002و سپس در يك قدرتنمايي كم‌نظير در سياستگذاري اقتصادي به 7/7درصد در سال 2005 كاهش داده شد. اين موفقيت در شرايطي به دست آمده است كه تركيه در دهه 1980 تورم سه‌رقمي را نيز تجربه كرده بود. صاحبنظران اقتصادي اعتقاد دارند كه راز كاميابي تركيه در وصول به نرخ يك‌رقمي دقيقا همان نكته‌اي است كه آقاي مكارم شيرازي بر آن انگشت گذاشته است. يعني استفاده از نخبگان اقتصادي براي حل بحران در كنار همراه ساختن افكار عمومي جامعه با بيان صادقانه علل بحران.
در عين حال، بايد به اين پرسش پاسخي دقيق داده شود كه راهكارهايي كه نخبگان اقتصادي براي مهار تورم در تركيه به دولتمردان ارائه كردند، شامل چه محورهاي اساسي بود و آيا كشور ما در مسير پيموده شده توسط تركيه حركت مي‌كند يا آنكه در مسيري ديگر افتاده است؟
بررسي‌ها حاكي از آن است كه در پي عزم جدي دولتمردان ترك براي مهار تورم، پنج راهكار اساسي براي وصول به اين هدف از سوي نخبگان اقتصادي به آنان عرضه شد كه بلافاصله به تصميمات قانوني تبديل شد. اين پنج تصميم عبارت بودند از: 1- تعيين نرخ بهره واقعي به صورت مثبت، 2- مديريت دقيق و كارشناسي نرخ ارز. 3 - كاهش منظم يارانه‌ها به همراه آزادسازي قيمت كالاها و خدمات شركت‌هاي دولتي، 4- اصلاح نظام مالياتي در جهت مهار فرارهاي مالياتي و پوشش كسري بودجه با ماليات، 5- تشويق سرمايه‌گذاري خارجي با هدف افزايش عرضه كالاها و خدمات.
آيا كشور ما در مسير اين سياست‌ها حركت مي‌كند؟ متاسفانه بايد گفت كه درخصوص سه محور در مسيري كاملا معكوس حركت مي‌كنيم و درخصوص دو محور ديگر نيز اگرچه مسير صحيحي در پيش گرفته شده است، اما به دليل تناقض با ساير سياست‌هاي اقتصادي، موفقيت‌هاي به دست آمده بسيار اندك است.
به نظر مي‌رسد براي خروج از اين مداربسته، بايد نگاه غيرعلمي و سياسي به مسائل و مشكلات اقتصادي كنار گذاشته شود و راهكارهاي اقتصادي براي مواجهه با معضلات اقتصادي در اولويت قرار گيرد كه لازمه آن همان‌طوري كه مورد تاكيد آيت‌الله العظمي مكارم قرار گرفته است، استفاده از نخبگان اقتصادي است. البته موكدا نخبگاني كه به تجربيات موفق جهاني از جمله تجربه تركيه تسلط و اشراف علمي دارند، نه كساني كه به دنبال اختراع مجدد چرخ هستند.
آيا در اين صورت چشم‌اندازي براي تغيير مسير سياست‌هاي اقتصادي در جهت مهار تورم قابل تصور خواهد بود؟ به نظر مي‌رسد استفاده از نخبگان اقتصادي لازم ولي ناكافي است. وصول به موفقيت در اين مسير علاوه‌بر اين شرط در گروي اعتماد به راهكارهاي نخبگان اقتصادي در كنار عزم جدي سياسيون براي به‌كارگيري اين راهكارها است.
اما ترجمه ساده راهكارهاي تجربه شده در تركيه چيست؟
1ـ نرخ بهره واقعي مثبت براي كنترل نقدينگي:واقعيت آن است كه مهار رشد بالاي نقدينگي فقط و فقط با سياست‌هاي انقباضي پولي امكان‌پذير است كه با نرخ بهره واقعي مثبت امكان‌پذير است و نرخ بهره واقعي مثبت به مفهوم بالاتر بودن نرخ بهره اسمي از نرخ تورم رسمي است.
هم‌اكنون نرخ بهره اسمي با فرمان رييس‌جمهور در سطح 12درصد تعيين شده اما نرخ تورم در حدود 16درصد است كه به مفهوم نرخ بهره واقعي منفي است. آيا امكان تغيير مسير وجود دارد؟ به نظر مي‌رسد طرح جديد رييس‌كل بانك مركزي كه اتفاقا مورد تاييد مشروط آقاي مكارم نيز واقع شده است، راهي براي تغيير مسير فراهم مي‌كند اما اين تغيير مسير هم ظاهرا طبق معمول در حوزه جلب اعتماد سياسيون با مشكل مواجه است.
2ـ مديريت علمي نرخ ارز: واقعيت آن است كه سياسيون ايراني به مسئله نرخ ارز نه به عنوان يك مسئله اقتصادي بلكه به عنوان مسئله‌اي حيثيتي نگاه مي‌كنند و تا زماني كه اين طرح مسئله به صورت صحيح انجام نشود، نمي‌توان اميدواري نامعقولي ايجاد كرد. نرخ مبادله ارز بايد براساس مابه‌التفاوت تورم دو كشور تنظيم شود و اين همان نكته‌اي است كه با دقت تمام در دستور كار تركيه قرار گرفت، ضمن اين‌كه بخش اعظم موفقيت‌هاي اقتصادي چين نيز با اين ابزار فراهم شده است.
تثبيت نرخ اسمي ارز در شرايط تورمي باعث خروج توليدكنندگان داخلي از صحنه فعاليت اقتصادي به نفع واردكنندگان مي‌شود. دقيقا به همين دليل است كه واردات كشور در چند سال اخير به شدت افزايش يافته، اما صادرات كشور به جز در حوزه صادرات كالاهاي يارانه‌دار دولتي با موفقيت چنداني روبه‌رو نبوده است.
(دو سياست معكوس نرخ بهره و نرخ ارز كه با هدف كاهش نرخ تورم و افزايش توليدات صنعتي در دستور كار قرار گرفته است دقيقا به نتايج عكس هم رسيده است. به عنوان مثال نرخ تورم در سال 85 صعودي شده و همچنان روند صعودي آن ادامه دارد و نرخ رشد توليدات صنعتي هم كه تا دو سال پيش دورقمي بود به نرخ يك رقمي سقوط كرده و براساس برخي اقوال از بانك مركزي به سطح 5/4درصد رسيده است).
3ـ كاهش منظم يارانه‌ها و آزادسازي قيمت‌هاي شركت‌هاي دولتي: متاسفانه سياست تثبيت قيمت‌ها كه قرار بود سياستي موقتي باشد در برخي موارد باعث افزايش شديد يارانه‌هاي دولتي شده وحركتي در جهت كاهش يارانه‌ها و يا هدفمندسازي آنها به چشم نمي‌خورد.
ضمن اين‌كه سياست كنترل قيمت‌ها با به‌كارگيري ابزارهاي دستوري و اهرم واردات نيز اقتصاد كشور را به مسيري كاملا معكوس و در خلاف جهت تجربه تركيه هدايت كرده است.
4ـ اصلاح نظام مالياتي: درخصوص اصلاح نظام مالياتي و حذف راه‌هاي فرار از ماليات اگرچه موفقيت‌هايي حاصل شده است اما نبايد فراموش كرد اصلاح نظام مالياتي فرع بر شفاف‌سازي فعاليت‌هاي اقتصادي و هدايت فعاليت‌هاي پنهان واسطه‌گري به سمت فعاليت‌هاي شفاف است و تا زماني كه سياست‌هاي اقتصادي انگيزه‌اي معكوس را ترغيب كند شاهد موفقيت در اين زمينه نخواهيم بود.

5ـ تشويق سرمايه‌گذاري خارجي:‌ مهم‌ترين معيار براي تصميم‌گيري سرمايه‌گذاران خارجي براي سرمايه‌گذاري در يك كشور، وضعيت سرمايه‌گذاران و فعالان داخلي به همراه گزارش‌هاي بين‌المللي از اقتصاد آن كشور است. در اين زمينه ارائه توضيح اضافه‌اي لازم نيست و به هر حال نبايد فراموش كرد كه بدون افزايش عرضه كل كه در گروي رشد بالاي اقتصادي است، مهار پايدار تورم، آرزويي بيش نخواهد بود و لازمه اين اتفاق نيز جذب سرمايه‌هاي خارجي است.

۱۳۸۶ مهر ۱۷, سه‌شنبه

طرح و پیگیری مطالبات اقدامی تحسین برانگیز و وظیفه دانشجویان است

رهبر معظم انقلاب :
طرح و پیگیری مطالبات اقدامی تحسین برانگیز و وظیفه دانشجویان است
رهبر معظم انقلاب عصر امروز در دیدار صدها نفر از دانشجویان نخبه کشور، طرح و پیگیری مطالبات گوناگون دانشگاهی، سیاسی و اجتماعی را اقدامی تحسین برانگیز و تکلیف و وظیفه دانشجویان خواندند.

حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی عصر امروز در دیدار صدها نفر از دانشجویان نخبه، برترینهای کنکور و فعالان تشکلهای سیاسی – فرهنگی دانشگاهها، طرح و پیگیری مطالبات گوناگون دانشگاهی، سیاسی و اجتماعی را اقدامی تحسین برانگیز و تکلیف و وظیفه دانشجویان خواندند و تأکید کردند: پیگیری "مستمر، عاقلانه و منطقی" مطالبات و آرمانها، آینده روشن محیط های دانشجویی و دانشگاهی را تضمین خواهد کرد.

ایشان با تمجید از انگیزه جوانان دانشجو برای طرح دیدگاهها و خواسته های مختلف خود در این دیدار افزودند: همیشه گفته ام که باید از روزی بترسیم که جوان و دانشجوی ما انگیزه طرح مسئله و سئوال نداشته باشد که به یاری پروردگار امروز این چنین نیست و همه باید توان و تلاش خود را به کارگیریم تا روحیه خواستن و مطالبه درنسل جوان و به ویژه جوانان علمی و دانشگاهی هرچه بیشتر گسترش یابد.

رهبر انقلاب اسلامی با توجه به محدود بودن ظرفیتها و امکانات، پاسخگویی به همه مطالبات را در کوتاه مدت ناممکن دانستند و خاطرنشان کردند: آرمانهای بزرگ در کوتاه مدت محقق نمی شود اما طرح به دور از افراط و تفریط خواسته ها و پیگیری همراه با عقلانیت و اعتدال، یقیناً افق روشنی را برای دانشگاههای ما رقم خواهد زد.

حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای خطاب به جوانان و دانشجویان افزودند: بدانید که مطالبات و پیگیریهای شما، ثمربخش و سودمند خواهد بود همچنانکه اگرجوانان مؤمن و مسئولیت شناس دانشگاهی درسالهای گذشته، پرچم عدالتخواهی را درجامعه بلند نمی کردندمسیر حوادث و جهت گیریهای انتخاباتی مردم به روی کار آمدن دولتی عدالتخواه و حاکمیت گفتمان عدالت طلبی در جامعه، منجر نمی شد.

رهبر انقلاب اسلامی توجه جوانان دانشجو را به "اندیشیدن و پخته کردن خواسته ها، مطرح کردن مسائل با مراکز دست اندرکار، جستجوی راهکارهای اجرایی و کمک به تحقق ایده ها و انتظارات " جلب کردند و افزودند: اینهامکمل مطالبات دانشجویی است وجوانان ما باید در کنار داعیه های سیاسی – اجتماعی – علمی و دانشگاهی به این مسائل نیز توجه کنند و آنها را جزو وظایف خود بدانند.

ایشان تحقق آرمانهای بزرگ را محتاج پیگیری امیدوارانه و استمرار عمل دانستند و افزودند: وفادار ماندن دانشجویان به مطالبات و آرمانها حتی پس از پایان دوران دانشجویی، و ساماندهی صحیح فعالیتها و محیط های دانشگاهی، در استمرار فضای مطالبات و تحقق آنها، کاملاً مؤثر خواهد بود.

حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای نخبه پروری سیاسی را یکی از راههای استمرار فضای مطالبه در دانشگاهها برشمردند و افزودند: رسانه ها باید به طور جدی به معرفی نخبگان علمی و اجتماعی و سیاسی بپردازند اما تشکل های دانشجویی نیز باید با پرورش نخبه های سیاسی، فضای مباحثه و استدلال را گسترش دهند و با محکم کردن پایه های "فکری – سیاسیِ" دانشجویان و تقویت روحیه و امید در آنان، محیط را به گونه ای شکل دهند که مجموعه دانشجویی در سالهای آینده نیز همواره در این فضا تنفس و در جهت اهداف بلند و آرمانهای والا حرکت کند.

رهبر انقلاب اسلامی در بخش دیگری از سخنانشان انتقاد کردن و مطالبه از همه مسئولان را، امری طبیعی دانستند و افزودند: البته نباید با مسئولان معارضه و دشمنی کرد اما این حرف به معنای انتقاد نکردن و مطالبه نکردن از مسئولان مختلف از جمله رهبری نیست چرا که می توان در عین صفا و دوستی، انتقاد هم کرد.

ایشان در پاسخ به سئوال یک دانشجو درباره تبیین حدود ضدولایت فقیه افزودند: ضدیت یعنی دشمنی کردن اما اگر کسی معتقد به مسئله ای نبود ضد آن نیست.

حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای درباره برخی مسائل که در زمینه سخنان رهبری در دیدارهای خصوصی مطرح می شود افزودند: اگر به دلایلی از جمله آگاه شدن دشمن، مصلحت نباشد که سخنی بیان شود، طبعاً نه آن حرف و نه خلاف آن گفته نخواهد شد، بنابراین حرفهای بنده، همان مسائلی است که در دیدارهای مختلف با مردم و مسئولان بیان می کنم و ایجاد این شائبه که رهبری در جلسات خصوصی، مطلبی خلاف حرفهای عمومی خود بیان کرده است، صحیح نیست.

حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای حمایت از دولت را به معنای تایید همه کارهای آن ندانستند و افزودند: دولت کنونی، انصافاً خدمتگزار، پرکار، با ارزش و صددرصد مورد اعتماد است اما این مسائل به معنای اطلاع رهبری از جزئیات همه فعالیتهای دولت و تأیید آنها نمی باشد و حمایت از دولت به معنای مخالفت با انتقاد از آن نیست.

ایشان افزودند: اطلاع داشتن رهبری از همه رویدادها و جزئیات فعالیت همه دستگاهها و وزارتخانه ها نه لازم و نه ممکن است و دلیلی ندارد رهبری وارد محیط های اجرایی شود چرا که مسئولیتها مشخص است.
رهبر انقلاب اسلامی درپایان سخنانشان پیشرفت علم و اندیشه سیاسی، تعمیق" اندیشه و ایمان و معرفت دینی"، گسترش روشن بینی دینی و دست یافتن به قلمروهای جدید در عرصه علم و سیاست و معرفت را انتظار مردم و رهبری از دانشجو و دانشگاه خواندند وتأکید کردند: سنت آفرینش الهی برپیروزی حق استواراست و هرجا ایمان و مجاهدت باشد پیشرفت و پیروزی نیزخواهد بود و به همین علت ما به آینده دانشگاهها کاملاً امیدواریم.

در آغاز این دیدار، 11 نفر از دانشجویان برتر و نمایندگان تشکلهای مختلف دانشجویی، به بیان دیدگاههای خود درباره مسائل دانشگاهی – علمی – فرهنگی – اجتماعی و سیاسی پرداختند.
آقایان و خانمها :

- مهدی امامقلی، نماینده اتحادیه انجمن های اسلامی دانشجویان مستقل دانشگاهها

- احسان کاوندکار، دانشجوی مهندسی صنایع و پژوهشگر برتر
- محسن منصوری، نماینده اتحادیه جامعه اسلامی دانشجویان
- آزاده حاجتی، رتبه اول آزمون دستیاری پزشکی امسال
- سجاد ریحانی، نماینده بسیج دانشجویی دانشگاههای سراسر کشور
- احسان مشایخ، رتبه پنجم گروه آزمایشی ریاضی در کنکور امسال
- محمدمهدی مختاری، نماینده مجمع تشکلهای اسلامی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی
- مرتضی فیروزآبادی، نماینده جنبش عدالتخواه دانشجویی
- شادی عزیززاده، نفر سوم گروه آزمایشی تجربی درکنکور امسال
- عباس انسانی، دبیر انجمن اسلامی دانشجویان دانشگاه امیرکبیر
- و مقامی نیا، نماینده جنبش اعتدال اسلامی

نامبردگان در سخنان خود بر این نکات تأکید کردند:

- استفاده جدی تر از دانشگاه و دانشگاهیان برای دستیابی به اهداف علمی سند چشم انداز 20 ساله
- لزوم استقلال تشکلهای دانشجویی از جریانها و جناحهای سیاسی
- استفاده بیشتر از نخبگان دانشگاهی در تصمیم سازیها و تصمیم گیریها
- نفوذ روزافزون آرمانها و ایده های پرطراوت انقلاب اسلامی در میان ملتها
- توجه کامل به نقشه جامع علمی کشور و جنبش نرم افزاری
- گسترش و تقویت انجمن های علمی دانشجویی در دانشگاهها
- ایجاد شبکه دانش پایی برای مدیریت روند تولید، انتقال و توسعه دانش
- ضرورت توجه بیشتر استادان به شاگردپروری از طریق فعال کردن دانشجویان در مأموریتهای علمی
- پیشنهاد تشکیل کریدور علم و فناوری در نظام آموزش عالی وبنیادهای کار آفرینی
- توجه به پویایی و افزایش قدرت تحلیل دانشجویان و دانشگاهیان
- پیوند میان مدیران اجرایی و نظریه پردازان حوزه و دانشگاه
- تشکیل شبکه تحقیقات دانشگاهی و ترویج رویکرد تحقیق محور در نظام تدریس دانشگاهها
- ارتباط بیشتر مسئولان آموزش عالی با دانشجویان
- افزایش امید و نشاط ملی در پرتو حاکمیت گفتمان مبتنی بر ارزشهای انقلاب اسلامی درجامعه
- توجه بیشتر مسئولان به عدالت اجتماعی و مشکلات معیشتی
- ضرورت افزایش کارآمدی فارغ التحصیلان دانشگاهها
- ضرورت تسریع دستگاه قضایی در رسیدگی به پرونده های دانشجویی
- ایجاد تعادل در ظرفیت رشته های مختلف دانشگاهی
- ضرورت حاکمیت گفتمان «آزاداندیشی، عقلانیت و عدالت محوری» در دانشگاهها
- دقت در اجرای کامل و منطقی سیاستهای اصل 44
- پیگیری طرح «وحدت فرهنگی» در دانشگاههای جهان اسلام
- توجه به ماهیت «ذاتاً فکری و فرهنگی» تشکلهای دانشجویی و پرهیز از نگاه ابزاری و سیاسی به این تشکلها
- تقویت روحیه نقدپذیری و پاسخگویی در مسئولان
- استفاده از ظرفیتهای همه نیروهای معتقد به انقلاب و امام
- افزایش تولیدات فرهنگی و هویت ساز برای تقویت اتحاد ملی
- رسیدگی به مسائل و مشکلات صنفی دانشجویان
- و توجه رسانه ها به ترویج الگوهای علمی و دانشگاهی به جای توجه صرف به الگوهای هنری و ورزشی
در پایان این دیدار نماز جماعت مغرب و عشا به امامت حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای اقامه شد و سپس دانشجویان روزه خود را همراه با رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی افطار کردند.

۱۳۸۶ مهر ۱۶, دوشنبه

Fabricating the Pretext for Another War

Ahmadinejad is Not My Enemy


I had any number of Yossarian moments this last week as the entire apparatus of respectable opinion unleashed everything they had at President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran. But what has Ahmadinejad done to me or anyone in the U.S.? Nothing that I know of.

On the other hand Israel and its Lobby, whose hand was very much in evidence at the Columbia demonstrations against Ahmadinejad, is very much my enemy. Along with the industrial/Congressional wing of the military industrial Congressional complex, Israel and its fifth column in the U.S. (aka the Lobby) drove us into war in Iraq, killing thousands of American soldiers and 1 million Iraqis. So there is the Yossarian moment. Ahmadinejad is not trying to get Americans killed, but these other guys sure are--and they have been remarkably successful. So who is our Colonel Cathcart, the commanding officer in Catch-22 trying to drive Yossarian into ever more life-threatening missions? Not Ahmadinejad, that's for sure. (It is striking that Bush and the Democratic Congress are literally latter day Cathcarts, cruelly extending the length of combat missions and multiplying them endlessly based on fine print. Catch-22 is not lost on our rulers.)

And now the Lobby and its allies want to kill Iranians too. In fact they would like to destroy Iran, its army and its infrastructure. Why? Because Iran wants nuclear power? That is hardly believable. At that rate we should be pouring into the streets the next time Sarkozy who presides over a densely nuclear France bares his chest in the U.S. again. And if Iran has nuclear power, so what?

Now do not tell me, as radicals (of both Libertarian and Leftist stripe) are being duly advised by liberals these days, that we are making the classical mistake of identifying the enemy of my enemies as my friend. For I am not saying that Ahmadinejad is my friend. In fact I know very little about the man--except what I hear through the filters of pundocratic respectability and the spin put on his words by the chorus of neocons. He apparently feels that historical Palestine should have room for Arabs and Jews both, as Iran apparently does. That is fine with me. A modern secular state for Arabs and Jews together in historic Palestine is inevitable in the long term anyway, so why not get on with it? (I would differ with Ahmadinejad that Iran should remain an Islamic state and I would like to tell him so. But I find that those who would argue for a Jewish state, or more accurately a Jewish apartheid state, are on thin ice when arguing this point with my non-enemy Ahmadinejad.) He says he wants to study the Holocaust more--and he may even be a genocide denier. But so what? Freedom to discuss things should be open ended. And Abe Foxman and company deny the Armenian genocide, but their praises are sung far and wide, high and low. So Ahmadinejad may not be my friend--but he is not my enemy.

Nor is Iran my enemy--although the U.S. owes Iran a mighty big set of apologies, and Iran should certainly consider our government a power hostile to it. For consider what has been done to Iran with our tax dollars. "Our" CIA overthrew the democratically elected Iranian government of Mohammad Mossadegh in the 1950s because his social democratic party wanted Iran to control Iranian oil--in place of Anglo/American corporations. The U.S. installed the Shah and with the aid of Israel, according to Uri Avnery, trained his vicious secret police who tortured and killed untold numbers of Iranians to maintain his pro-U.S. rule. Then when the Shah was ousted, we supported Saddam Hussein in his vicious war on Iran with chemical weapons. A million people died in that war. Oh, the Iranians did hold a handful of Americans hostage at the time they overthrew our puppet, the Shah, certainly a hostile act but a pin prick compared to the death and destruction we and our Israeli ally have visited on Iran and plan to do again.

So I am really not impressed by the forces arrayed against Ahmadinejad at Columbia and in the neocon "think" tanks. From William Kristol to Michael Lerner (who has also gone after those in the wonderful Jewish Voice for Peace who advocate a one-state solution), they were all attacking the Iranian Pres and Iran itself last week. But the Iranians have not tried to kill Americans--in fact for hundreds of years they have a pretty good record of staying at home, avoiding aggression and defending themselves. They may have a thing or two to teach us on that score. Perhaps Ahmadinejad is right when he says he is just a teacher.

The Big Lie: "Iran is a Threat"

Iran has never manifested itself as a serious threat to the national security of the United States, or by extension as a security threat to global security. At the height of Iran’s “exportation of the Islamic Revolution” phase, in the mid-1980’s, the Islamic Republic demonstrated a less-than-impressive ability to project its power beyond the immediate borders of Iran, and even then this projection was limited to war-torn Lebanon.

Iranian military capability reached its modern peak in the late 1970’s, during the reign of Reza Shah Pahlevi. The combined effects of institutional distrust on the part of the theocrats who currently govern the Islamic Republic of Iran concerning the conventional military institutions, leading as it did to the decay of the military through inadequate funding and the creation of a competing paramilitary organization, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Command (IRGC), and the disastrous impact of an eight-year conflict with Iraq, meant that Iran has never been able to build up conventional military power capable of significant regional power projection, let alone global power projection.

Where Iran has demonstrated the ability for global reach is in the spread of Shi’a Islamic fundamentalism, but even in this case the results have been mixed. Other than the expansive relations between Iran (via certain elements of the IRGC) and the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon, Iranian success stories when it comes to exporting the Islamic revolution are virtually non-existent. Indeed, the efforts on the part of the IRGC to export Islamic revolution abroad, especially into Europe and other western nations, have produced the opposite effect desired. Based upon observations made by former and current IRGC officers, it appears that those operatives chosen to spread the revolution in fact more often than not returned to Iran noting that peaceful coexistence with the West was not only possible but preferable to the exportation of Islamic fundamentalism. Many of these IRGC officers began to push for moderation of the part of the ruling theocrats in Iran, both in terms of interfacing with the west and domestic policies.

The concept of an inherent incompatibility between Iran, even when governed by a theocratic ruling class, and the United States is fundamentally flawed, especially from the perspective of Iran. The Iran of today seeks to integrate itself responsibly with the nations of the world, clumsily so in some instances, but in any case a far cry from the crude attempts to export Islamic revolution in the early 1980’s. The United States claims that Iran is a real and present danger to the security of the US and the entire world, and cites Iranian efforts to acquire nuclear technology, Iran’s continued support of Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iran’s “status” as a state supporter of terror, and Iranian interference into the internal affairs of Iraq and Afghanistan as the prime examples of how this threat manifests itself.

0000096994-iiiran002-002.jpgOn every point, the case made against Iran collapses upon closer scrutiny. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), mandated to investigate Iran’s nuclear programs, has concluded that there is no evidence that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program. Furthermore, the IAEA has concluded that it is capable of monitoring the Iranian nuclear program to ensure that it does not deviate from the permitted nuclear energy program Iran states to be the exclusive objective of its endeavors. Iran’s support of the Hezbollah Party in Lebanon — Iranian protestors shown here supporting Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during an anti-Israel rally — while a source of concern for the State of Israel, does not constitute a threat to American national security primarily because the support provided is primarily defensive in nature, designed to assist Hezbollah in deterring and repelling an Israeli assault of sovereign Lebanese territory. Similarly, the bulk of the data used by the United States to substantiate the claims that Iran is a state sponsor of terror is derived from the aforementioned support provided to Hezbollah. Other arguments presented are either grossly out of date (going back to the early 1980’s when Iran was in fact exporting Islamic fundamentalism) or unsubstantiated by fact.

The US claims concerning Iranian interference in both Iraq and Afghanistan ignore the reality that both nations border Iran, both nations were invaded and occupied by the United States, not Iran, and that Iran has a history of conflict with both nations that dictates a keen interest concerning the internal domestic affairs of both nations. The United States continues to exaggerate the nature of Iranian involvement in Iraq, arresting “intelligence operatives” who later turned out to be economic and diplomatic officials invited to Iraq by the Iraqi government itself. Most if not all the claims made by the United States concerning Iranian military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan have not been backed up with anything stronger than rhetoric, and more often than not are subsequently contradicted by other military and governmental officials, citing a lack of specific evidence.

Iran as a nation represents absolutely no threat to the national security of the United States, or of its major allies in the region, including Israel. The media hype concerning alleged statements made by Iran’s President Ahmadinejad (left) has created and sustained the myth that Iran seeks the destruction of the State of Israel. Two points of fact directly contradict this myth. First and foremost, Ahmadinejad never articulated an Iranian policy objective to destroy Israel, rather noting that Israel’s policies would lead to its “vanishing from the pages of time.” Second, and perhaps most important, Ahmadinejad does not make foreign policy decisions on the part of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This is the sole purview of the “Supreme Leader,” the Ayatollah Khomeini. In 2003 Khomeini initiated a diplomatic outreach to the United States inclusive of an offer to recognize Israel’s right to exist. This initiative was rejected by the United States, but nevertheless represents the clearest indication of what the true policy objective of Iran is vis-à-vis Israel.

The fact of the matter is that the “Iranian Threat” is derived solely from the rhetoric of those who appear to seek confrontation between the United States and Iran, and largely divorced from fact-based reality. A recent request on the part of Iran to allow President Ahmadinejad to lay a wreath at “ground zero” in Manhattan was rejected by New York City officials. The resulting public outcry condemned the Iranian initiative as an affront to all Americans, citing Iran’s alleged policies of supporting terrorism. This knee-jerk reaction ignores the reality that Iran was violently opposed to al-Qaeda’s presence in Afghanistan throughout the 1990’s leading up to 2001, and that Iran was one of the first Muslim nations to condemn the terror attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001.

A careful fact-based assessment of Iran clearly demonstrates that it poses no threat to the legitimate national security interests of the United States. However, if the United States chooses to implement its own unilateral national security objectives concerning regime change in Iran, there will most likely be a reaction from Iran which produces an exceedingly detrimental impact on the national security interests of the United States, including military, political and economic. But the notion of claiming a nation like Iran to constitute a security threat simply because it retains the intent and capability to defend its sovereign territory in the face of unprovoked military aggression is absurd. In the end, however, such absurdity is trumping fact-based reality when it comes to shaping the opinion of the American public on the issue of the Iranian “threat.”

آمريكادر برابر منطق هسته‌يي ايران كم آورده وراهبرد آن‌هاديگر خاصيت ندارد

رييس‌جمهور بر اهميت علم و علم آموزي و اين‌كه عرصه رقابت در جهان امروز ميان عالمان و معلمان است، تاكيد كرد و با ابراز خوشحالي نسبت به حضور در دانشگاه تهران و در جمع دانشگاهيان گفت: حضور در دانشگاه براي من مغتنم است و در پاسخ به دوستان نيز گفته‌ام كه اگر از كار اجرايي فارغ شوم باز هم به دانشگاه مي‌روم.

به گزارش خبرنگار خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران(ايسنا) دكتر محمود احمدي‌نژاد روز دوشنبه در مراسم آغاز سال تحصيلي 86 -87 دانشگاه‌ها و موسسات آموزش عالي كشور ـ كه در تالار علامه اميني دانشگاه تهران برگزار شد ـ با بيان اين‌كه " ماه مهر براي ملت ما يك ماه برجسته و بسيار ويژه است و اتفاقاتي كه در آن مي‌افتد بنيادي و سرنوشت ساز است" افزود: ماه مهر ماه تلاش و شكوفايي و بالندگي و شور است. زماني كه ما در دانشگاه بوديم وقتي به دو ماه تعطيلي دانشگاه مي‌رسيديم عذا مي‌گرفتيم؛ چراكه دانشگاه به تعطيلي كشيده مي‌شد. وقتي اول مهر مي‌آمد انگار دانشگاه دوباره زنده مي‌شد و دوره تعالي كشور در تعطيلي دانشگاه كم مي‌شود و با آغاز اول مهر، جنبش و جوشي در شهر ايجاد مي‌شود. گويي خون در رگ هاي جامعه جاري مي‌شود


احمدي نژاد گفت: صحنه‌هاي فراواني از شادي وغم ، تعالي و انحطاط و رقابت‌هاي سنگين و درگيري‌هاي خانمان‌برانداز، كشتار و جنگ، عشق و محبت و دوستي در صحنه دنيا وجود دارد. در طول تاريخ همواره دو جريان در مقابل هم قرار گرفته‌اند كه در همه عرصه‌ها با هم به رقابت مي‌پردازند. شايد به يك تعبير بتوان گفت كه تاريخ جهان تاريخ تقابل حق و باطل، خداپرستان و خودپرستان، زورگويان و عدالت طلبان است؛ به نظر مي‌رسد سياستمداران در عرصه سياست و تجار و صنعتگران در عرصه اقتصاد و همين طور ساير مشاغل در عرصه‌هاي ديگر در حال رقابتند اما وقتي دقيق‌تر به صحنه رقابت‌ها نگاه كنيم، تقابل اصلي بين عالمان و معلمان با هم است و دو نوع از اين‌ها با هم رقابت مي‌كنند. هر سياستمداري در مسير يك معلم حركت مي‌كند.عرصه جهان عرصه رقابت عالمان و معلمان است. علم به تنهايي تاثيرگذار نيست بلكه همراه با تعليم و تعلم اثر مي بخشد.

رييس‌جمهور در بخش ديگري از سخنان خود گفت: علم واقعي روشنايي بخش و حركت دهنده انسان به كمال است. اما عالمي كه خودساخته نباشد دريافت‌هايش از علم ناپاك مي‌شود و امروز مهمترين مشكل بشر اين است.

وي با اشاره به تجاوزگري امريكا گفت: خيال نكنيد كه تصميمات امريكا يك روزه گرفته مي‌شود بلكه عالماني اين تصميمات را مي‌سازند و ارايه مي‌دهند. تصور نكنيد كه جنايتكاران بزرگ عالم بدون علم حركت مي‌كنند. اگر دل‌ها پاكيزه نباشد دريافت‌ها غلط مي‌شود.

احمدي‌نژاد در بخش ديگري از سخنان خود گفت: قبل از پيروزي انقلاب دو بلوك به ظاهر قدرتمند در جهان وجود داشتند كه انسان‌ها را به اسارت خود در آوردند، اما انقلاب اسلامي يك فضا و زاويه جديد ايجاد و انسان‌ها را از اسارت خارج كرد.

به گزارش ايسنا رييس‌جمهور با اشاره به حوادث دانشگاه كلمبيا گفت: ما در دانشگاه كلمبيا مي‌ديديم كه تمام اقدامات‌شان طبق برنامه‌ريزي قبلي بود؛ سال گذشته يكي از اساتيد اين دانشگاه از من براي حضور در اين دانشگاه دعوت كرد كه قبول نكردم. بعد گفتند كه عده‌اي از دانشجويان مي‌خواهند پيام شما را بشنوند و نمي‌شد، نرفت. شب قبل از مراسم به من گفته بودند كه نمي‌توانيم امنيت مراسم را برقرار كنيم. چگونه است كه كشوري كه از آن سر دنيا آمده است در اين سوي دنيا، امنيت برقرار كند، نمي‌تواند امنيت يك سالن را برقرار كند، اين‌ها همه يك بهانه بود. آن‌ها مي‌خواستند در وهله اول مرا منصرف كنند، در ثاني اعصاب ما را خرد كنند كه نتوانيم صحبت كنيم و يا فضاي مشوشي ايجاد كنند كه پيام منتقل نشود و همه جزييات را در اين بخش ديده بودم.

وي با بيان اين كه " بسياري از دانشجويان خواستار حضور در اين مراسم و شنيدن پيام ايران بودند اما به آن‌ها اين امكان داده نشده بود" گفت: حتي سي ـ چهل دانشجوي ايراني به من مراجعه مي‌كردند كه مي‌خواهند حاضر شوند، ولي نمي‌شد. تلفن تماسي داده بودند كه هركس تماس مي‌گرفت نوار ضبط شده‌اي ده دقيقه عليه ملت ايران و مواضع ايران موضع‌گيري مي‌كرد.

وي افزود: باور من اين است كه آن‌ها طراحي كرده بودند كه بعد از اجراي موفقيت‌آميز پروژه شان تعرضاتي به حقوق ملت ايران بكنند و بستر اين كار را در افكار عمومي فراهم كنند. حتي بعد از مراسم در رسانه هاي‌شان مارش پيروزي مي‌زدند اما بعد از چند ساعت متوجه شدند كه چه اشتباهي مرتكب شده‌اند.

احمدي‌نژاد در بخش ديگري از سخنان خود گفت: علم قدرت آفرين است و اگر انسان‌ساخته‌نشده آن را به دست آورد مثل كودكي است كه ورزش‌هاي رزمي مي‌آموزد و از آن استفاده مي كند. بعضي از قدرت‌ها احساس مي‌كنند چون بمب اتم دارند خيلي قدرتمند شده‌اند.

رييس‌جمهور گفت: دنياي مادي امروز به پايان خط خود رسيده است و هيچ پيام اميدبخشي از نظام ليبرال دموكراسي به گوش نمي‌رسد و هيچ مشكلي از مشكلات بزرگ بشريت توسط اين نظام حل نشده است. پديده عراق، فلسطين، لبنان و همه پابرجا هستند و كسي نمي‌تواند آن را حل كند. آمريكا جلوي منطق هسته‌يي ايران كم آورده است و راهبرد آن‌ها ديگر خاصيت ندارد.

وي در ادامه سخنان خود با اشاره به فوايد زياد انرژي هسته‌يي گفت: با انرژي هسته‌يي مي‌توان صدها زمينه شغلي ايجاد كرد اما برخي فقط بمب هسته‌يي آن را مي بينند.

رييس‌جمهور گفت: امروز مسووليت و ماموريت دانشگاهيان بسيار سنگين است، ساختن ايران و پاسخگويي به نياز بشريت مسووليت آن‌هاست. وجه غالب ملت ايران همواره علمي و فرهنگي بوده است و هيچ‌گاه قوت نظامي و اقتصادي سياست برتري اين ملت نبوده است. نام ايران در همه جاي جهان تداعي كننده علم، انسانيت و فرهنگ است و بايد علم و فرهنگ مفيد در دانشگاه‌هاي ما توليد و به جهان عرضه شود.

وي در ادامه سخنان خود به دانشگاهيان توصيه كرد كه " در علم آموزي حد و مرزي براي خودقائل نشويد" و گفت: مشكلات و كمبود امكانات وجود دارد، در كل عالم هستي اگر دو يا سه پزشك جهاني وجود داشته باشد، يكي از آن‌ها ابن‌سيناست.نگاه‌تان در علم‌آموزي به افق‌هاي بلند باشد و مسووليت خود را در عرصه جهاني پيدا كنيد. ديگران امروز با تمام پيشرفت‌هايي كه كرده‌اند نيازمند شما هستند. وزراي محترم و مسوولان درها را باز كنند و با همه دنيا تعامل چندجانبه داشته باشند. همان‌طور كه قبلا گفته بودم. ما با تمام كشورهاي دنيا به جز اسرائيل كه آن را كشور نمي‌دانيم حاضريم تعامل كنيم. شما باب تعامل سطح بالا را در جهان ايجاد كنيد. در تعامل علم و انديشه هم بدانيد كه انديشه شما غالب خواهد بود.

وي افزود: اگر مي‌خواهيد دنيا اصلاح شود، راه آن علمي است. آن‌هايي كه فكر مي‌كنند با سلاح مي‌توان اصلاح كرد، در اشتباهند. امروز جوانان ايران پاكترين، مومن‌ترين، آرماني‌ترين، حق‌طلب‌ترين و هوشمندترين جوانان جهان هستند.

*** در حاشيه ***

* در پايان اين مراسم مدال يادبودي از سوي دانشگاه تهران و دانشگاه علوم پزشكي تهران در تقدير از مواضع رييس‌جمهور در دانشگاه كلمبيا به وي تقديم شد.

* هم‌چنين پيش از سخنان رييس‌جمهور از سوي بسيج دانشجويي لوح يادبودي در تقدير از مواضع رييس‌جمهور در دانشگاه كلمبيا به وي اهدا شد.

* پس از سخنان رييس‌جمهور يكي از حضار طي سخناني به رفتارهاي برخي از اعضاي دانشگاه تهران اعتراض كرد و خواستار برخورد با برخي از كاركنان و اساتيد اين دانشگاه شد.

* آيت‌الله عميد زنجاني رييس دانشگاه تهران طي سخناني گفت: دانشگاه جاي ستايش كسي نيست اما شما كه يك دانشمند و استاد هستيد و اكثريت آراي ملت ايران را به دست آورده‌ايد، قابل تقدير هستيد.

وي هم‌چنين در پايان مراسم و حين ارايه مدال تقدير به رييس‌جمهور گفت: اين مدال به خاطر شجاعت علمي و سياسي به شما اهدا مي‌شود.

رييس‌جمهور نيز پاسخ داد: من هيچ‌گاه حرفي كه به آن اعتقاد نداشتم نزدم، بهترين لوح‌ها را بايد به دانشگاهيان داد و من خاك پاي اين دانشگاهيان هستم.

انتهاي پيام

۱۳۸۶ مهر ۱۵, یکشنبه

U.S. General Says Iran’s Ambassador to Iraq Is in Elite Force

Published: October 8, 2007

BAGHDAD, Oct. 7 — The American military command here increased its criticism of Iran on Sunday, accusing that country’s ambassador of undisclosed membership in a Revolutionary Guard force and announcing the arrests of three men it described as Iranian agents responsible for kidnappings and weapons smuggling.

The latest accusations came as a series of car bomb attacks in the capital killed at least nine people, apparently all civilians, including one blast near the Iranian Embassy that left three people dead, officials said.

The United States has increasingly accused Iran of involvement in planning and executing attacks against Iraq’s government and American military operations in Iraq — accusations that the Iranian government has repeatedly denied.

On several occasions American military commanders have said the elite Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guard in Iran was responsible for supplying anti-American militia forces here with particularly lethal bombs that have been used to kill American troops. The Bush administration has been considering whether to classify the Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist group.

But Sunday appeared to be the first instance in which the Americans had publicly asserted that Iran’s top diplomat in Iraq was himself a member of the Revolutionary Guard.

The accusation was made by Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top American military commander, who made the remarks to CNN while he was traveling with a small group of reporters to a military base on the Iranian border. He said, “We have absolute assurance” that a number of Iranians detained by the Americans in Iraq were members of the Quds Force.

“The Quds Force controls the policy for Iraq; there should be no confusion about that either,” General Petraeus said. “The ambassador is a Quds Force member. Now he has diplomatic immunity and therefore he is obviously not subject — and he is acting as a diplomat.”

General Petraeus did not provide details on how he knew that the ambassador, Hassan Kazemi-Qomi, who has held talks with the American ambassador, Ryan C. Crocker, belonged to the Quds Force. Iranian Embassy officials could not be reached Sunday night to comment on the general’s assertions.

The American military command also said it had arrested three men with ties to Iran who were responsible for the kidnapping of five British citizens in Baghdad in May. The arrests were made by soldiers from the 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division in a Saturday morning raid in Baghdad, according to a statement released Sunday. The three men, the statement said, were members of an Iran-backed network, the Special Groups militia, that engaged in kidnapping and smuggling weapons into Iraq.

The five British hostages have not been heard from, and their fate remains unclear.

Last week, Brig. Gen. Kevin J. Bergner, a spokesman for the American military, told reporters that an Iranian man arrested by American forces in Iraqi Kurdistan on Sept. 20 was a “very senior member of the Quds Force” posing as a trade representative. General Bergner said the man, whom he identified as Mahmoud Farhadi, helped transport weapons across Iraq’s border.

Iran protested Mr. Farhadi’s arrest and, as retaliation four days later, closed several border crossings in Iraqi Kurdistan to commercial traffic.

۱۳۸۶ مهر ۱۱, چهارشنبه

EU envoy warns Iran on nuclear progress

By CONSTANT BRAND, Associated Press Writer

Wed Oct 3, 11:32 AM ET

BRUSSELS, Belgium - The European Union's top envoy warned Iran on Wednesday that the EU wanted to see progress in international negotiations over Tehran's nuclear program or risk new sanctions by the end of the year.

EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana, speaking to EU lawmakers at the European Parliament, said negotiations with the U.N. nuclear watchdog in Vienna and talks that he is conducting with a top Iranian official needed to move ahead.

"We can't wait forever, and we have to see those negotiations are moving ahead. ... There is a risk of more sanctions and it is a real risk, we have to get that across," Solana said.

He said he was trying to arrange new talks with Iran's top nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, "as soon as possible, and then to have a couple of other meetings as many as are necessary."

The EU foreign policy chief and International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei are to present reports in mid-November to the U.N. Security Council as to whether Tehran has cooperated to answer questions about its disputed nuclear program, which the EU, U.S. and others allege is being used to develop nuclear weapons. Iran insists its nuclear program is only for the generation of electricity.

"The situation is not good as you know, it's very difficult," Solana said. "There is a lot of pressure from different quarters, from the EU and elsewhere" for action on Iran.

Solana also questioned why South and Central American leaders would try to forge closer ties with Tehran after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited the regions last week.

"I would not say they are the greatest buddies, if I can put it like that, him and Latin American leaders," Solana said. "I don't think there is any great advantage for Nicaragua, Venezuela or Bolivia in building a special relationship with a country that is subject to U.N. sanctions, which is the case for Iran."

The United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany, with EU support, agreed last week they would delay until November a new U.N. resolution to toughen sanctions against Iran, giving it more time to answer to questions.

Several EU members led by Britain and France have been pushing for new sanctions to pressure Iran to suspend uranium enrichment. France has proposed widening economic sanctions such as the freezing of more assets and visa travel bans on government officials.

ElBaradei and Iranian officials agreed in July that Tehran would answer questions from agency experts by December on more than two decades of nuclear activity — most of it secret until revealed more than four years ago. Technical officials from the IAEA returned to Tehran this week to start probing outstanding questions, some with possible weapons applications.

Meanwhile, Solana is trying to get Larijani to suspend enrichment. The group of six nations, plus the EU has offered Iran a package of economic and political incentives to Iran and a suspension of U.N. sanctions if it ends its enrichment program.

Shifting Targets

The Administration’s plan for Iran.

by Seymour M. Hersh October 8, 2007

In a series of public statements in recent months, President Bush and members of his Administration have redefined the war in Iraq, to an increasing degree, as a strategic battle between the United States and Iran. “Shia extremists, backed by Iran, are training Iraqis to carry out attacks on our forces and the Iraqi people,” Bush told the national convention of the American Legion in August. “The attacks on our bases and our troops by Iranian-supplied munitions have increased. . . . The Iranian regime must halt these actions. And, until it does, I will take actions necessary to protect our troops.” He then concluded, to applause, “I have authorized our military commanders in Iraq to confront Tehran’s murderous activities.”

The President’s position, and its corollary—that, if many of America’s problems in Iraq are the responsibility of Tehran, then the solution to them is to confront the Iranians—have taken firm hold in the Administration. This summer, the White House, pushed by the office of Vice-President Dick Cheney, requested that the Joint Chiefs of Staff redraw long-standing plans for a possible attack on Iran, according to former officials and government consultants. The focus of the plans had been a broad bombing attack, with targets including Iran’s known and suspected nuclear facilities and other military and infrastructure sites. Now the emphasis is on “surgical” strikes on Revolutionary Guard Corps facilities in Tehran and elsewhere, which, the Administration claims, have been the source of attacks on Americans in Iraq. What had been presented primarily as a counter-proliferation mission has been reconceived as counterterrorism.

The shift in targeting reflects three developments. First, the President and his senior advisers have concluded that their campaign to convince the American public that Iran poses an imminent nuclear threat has failed (unlike a similar campaign before the Iraq war), and that as a result there is not enough popular support for a major bombing campaign. The second development is that the White House has come to terms, in private, with the general consensus of the American intelligence community that Iran is at least five years away from obtaining a bomb. And, finally, there has been a growing recognition in Washington and throughout the Middle East that Iran is emerging as the geopolitical winner of the war in Iraq.

During a secure videoconference that took place early this summer, the President told Ryan Crocker, the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, that he was thinking of hitting Iranian targets across the border and that the British “were on board.” At that point, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice interjected that there was a need to proceed carefully, because of the ongoing diplomatic track. Bush ended by instructing Crocker to tell Iran to stop interfering in Iraq or it would face American retribution.

At a White House meeting with Cheney this summer, according to a former senior intelligence official, it was agreed that, if limited strikes on Iran were carried out, the Administration could fend off criticism by arguing that they were a defensive action to save soldiers in Iraq. If Democrats objected, the Administration could say, “Bill Clinton did the same thing; he conducted limited strikes in Afghanistan, the Sudan, and in Baghdad to protect American lives.” The former intelligence official added, “There is a desperate effort by Cheney et al. to bring military action to Iran as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the politicians are saying, ‘You can’t do it, because every Republican is going to be defeated, and we’re only one fact from going over the cliff in Iraq.’ But Cheney doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the Republican worries, and neither does the President.”

Bryan Whitman, a Pentagon spokesman, said, “The President has made it clear that the United States government remains committed to a diplomatic solution with respect to Iran. The State Department is working diligently along with the international community to address our broad range of concerns.” (The White House declined to comment.)

I was repeatedly cautioned, in interviews, that the President has yet to issue the “execute order” that would be required for a military operation inside Iran, and such an order may never be issued. But there has been a significant increase in the tempo of attack planning. In mid-August, senior officials told reporters that the Administration intended to declare Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps a foreign terrorist organization. And two former senior officials of the C.I.A. told me that, by late summer, the agency had increased the size and the authority of the Iranian Operations Group. (A spokesman for the agency said, “The C.I.A. does not, as a rule, publicly discuss the relative size of its operational components.”)

“They’re moving everybody to the Iran desk,” one recently retired C.I.A. official said. “They’re dragging in a lot of analysts and ramping up everything. It’s just like the fall of 2002”—the months before the invasion of Iraq, when the Iraqi Operations Group became the most important in the agency. He added, “The guys now running the Iranian program have limited direct experience with Iran. In the event of an attack, how will the Iranians react? They will react, and the Administration has not thought it all the way through.”

That theme was echoed by Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former national-security adviser, who said that he had heard discussions of the White House’s more limited bombing plans for Iran. Brzezinski said that Iran would likely react to an American attack “by intensifying the conflict in Iraq and also in Afghanistan, their neighbors, and that could draw in Pakistan. We will be stuck in a regional war for twenty years.”

In a speech at the United Nations last week, Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was defiant. He referred to America as an “aggressor” state, and said, “How can the incompetents who cannot even manage and control themselves rule humanity and arrange its affairs? Unfortunately, they have put themselves in the position of God.” (The day before, at Columbia, he suggested that the facts of the Holocaust still needed to be determined.)

“A lot depends on how stupid the Iranians will be,” Brzezinski told me. “Will they cool off Ahmadinejad and tone down their language?” The Bush Administration, by charging that Iran was interfering in Iraq, was aiming “to paint it as ‘We’re responding to what is an intolerable situation,’ ” Brzezinski said. “This time, unlike the attack in Iraq, we’re going to play the victim. The name of our game seems to be to get the Iranians to overplay their hand.”

General David Petraeus, the commander of the multinational forces in Iraq, in his report to Congress in September, buttressed the Administration’s case against Iran. “None of us, earlier this year, appreciated the extent of Iranian involvement in Iraq, something about which we and Iraq’s leaders all now have greater concern,” he said. Iran, Petraeus said, was fighting “a proxy war against the Iraqi state and coalition forces in Iraq.”

Iran has had a presence in Iraq for decades; the extent and the purpose of its current activities there are in dispute, however. During Saddam Hussein’s rule, when the Sunni-dominated Baath Party brutally oppressed the majority Shiites, Iran supported them. Many in the present Iraqi Shiite leadership, including prominent members of the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, spent years in exile in Iran; last week, at the Council on Foreign Relations, Maliki said, according to the Washington Post, that Iraq’s relations with the Iranians had “improved to the point that they are not interfering in our internal affairs.” Iran is so entrenched in Iraqi Shiite circles that any “proxy war” could be as much through the Iraqi state as against it. The crux of the Bush Administration’s strategic dilemma is that its decision to back a Shiite-led government after the fall of Saddam has empowered Iran, and made it impossible to exclude Iran from the Iraqi political scene.

Vali Nasr, a professor of international politics at Tufts University, who is an expert on Iran and Shiism, told me, “Between 2003 and 2006, the Iranians thought they were closest to the United States on the issue of Iraq.” The Iraqi Shia religious leadership encouraged Shiites to avoid confrontation with American soldiers and to participate in elections—believing that a one-man, one-vote election process could only result in a Shia-dominated government. Initially, the insurgency was mainly Sunni, especially Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia. Nasr told me that Iran’s policy since 2003 has been to provide funding, arms, and aid to several Shiite factions—including some in Maliki’s coalition. The problem, Nasr said, is that “once you put the arms on the ground you cannot control how they’re used later.”

In the Shiite view, the White House “only looks at Iran’s ties to Iraq in terms of security,” Nasr said. “Last year, over one million Iranians travelled to Iraq on pilgrimages, and there is more than a billion dollars a year in trading between the two countries. But the Americans act as if every Iranian inside Iraq were there to import weapons.”

Many of those who support the President’s policy argue that Iran poses an imminent threat. In a recent essay in Commentary, Norman Podhoretz depicted President Ahmadinejad as a revolutionary, “like Hitler . . . whose objective is to overturn the going international system and to replace it . . . with a new order dominated by Iran. . . . [T]he plain and brutal truth is that if Iran is to be prevented from developing a nuclear arsenal, there is no alternative to the actual use of military force.” Podhoretz concluded, “I pray with all my heart” that President Bush “will find it possible to take the only action that can stop Iran from following through on its evil intentions both toward us and toward Israel.” Podhoretz recently told politico.com that he had met with the President for about forty-five minutes to urge him to take military action against Iran, and believed that “Bush is going to hit” Iran before leaving office. (Podhoretz, one of the founders of neoconservatism, is a strong backer of Rudolph Giuliani’s Presidential campaign, and his son-in-law, Elliott Abrams, is a senior adviser to President Bush on national security.)

In early August, Army Lieutenant General Raymond Odierno, the second-ranking U.S. commander in Iraq, told the Times about an increase in attacks involving explosively formed penetrators, a type of lethal bomb that discharges a semi-molten copper slug that can rip through the armor of Humvees. The Times reported that U.S. intelligence and technical analyses indicated that Shiite militias had obtained the bombs from Iran. Odierno said that Iranians had been “surging support” over the past three or four months.

Questions remain, however, about the provenance of weapons in Iraq, especially given the rampant black market in arms. David Kay, a former C.I.A. adviser and the chief weapons inspector in Iraq for the United Nations, told me that his inspection team was astonished, in the aftermath of both Iraq wars, by “the huge amounts of arms” it found circulating among civilians and military personnel throughout the country. He recalled seeing stockpiles of explosively formed penetrators, as well as charges that had been recovered from unexploded American cluster bombs. Arms had also been supplied years ago by the Iranians to their Shiite allies in southern Iraq who had been persecuted by the Baath Party.

“I thought Petraeus went way beyond what Iran is doing inside Iraq today,” Kay said. “When the White House started its anti-Iran campaign, six months ago, I thought it was all craziness. Now it does look like there is some selective smuggling by Iran, but much of it has been in response to American pressure and American threats—more a ‘shot across the bow’ sort of thing, to let Washington know that it was not going to get away with its threats so freely. Iran is not giving the Iraqis the good stuff—the anti-aircraft missiles that can shoot down American planes and its advanced anti-tank weapons.”

Another element of the Administration’s case against Iran is the presence of Iranian agents in Iraq. General Petraeus, testifying before Congress, said that a commando faction of the Revolutionary Guards was seeking to turn its allies inside Iraq into a “Hezbollah-like force to serve its interests.” In August, Army Major General Rick Lynch, the commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, told reporters in Baghdad that his troops were tracking some fifty Iranian men sent by the Revolutionary Guards who were training Shiite insurgents south of Baghdad. “We know they’re here and we target them as well,” he said.

Patrick Clawson, an expert on Iran at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, told me that “there are a lot of Iranians at any time inside Iraq, including those doing intelligence work and those doing humanitarian missions. It would be prudent for the Administration to produce more evidence of direct military training—or produce fighters captured in Iraq who had been trained in Iran.” He added, “It will be important for the Iraqi government to be able to state that they were unaware of this activity”; otherwise, given the intense relationship between the Iraqi Shiite leadership and Tehran, the Iranians could say that “they had been asked by the Iraqi government to train these people.” (In late August, American troops raided a Baghdad hotel and arrested a group of Iranians. They were a delegation from Iran’s energy ministry, and had been invited to Iraq by the Maliki government; they were later released.)

“If you want to attack, you have to prepare the groundwork, and you have to be prepared to show the evidence,” Clawson said. Adding to the complexity, he said, is a question that seems almost counterintuitive: “What is the attitude of Iraq going to be if we hit Iran? Such an attack could put a strain on the Iraqi government.”

A senior European diplomat, who works closely with American intelligence, told me that there is evidence that Iran has been making extensive preparation for an American bombing attack. “We know that the Iranians are strengthening their air-defense capabilities,” he said, “and we believe they will react asymmetrically—hitting targets in Europe and in Latin America.” There is also specific intelligence suggesting that Iran will be aided in these attacks by Hezbollah. “Hezbollah is capable, and they can do it,” the diplomat said.

In interviews with current and former officials, there were repeated complaints about the paucity of reliable information. A former high-level C.I.A. official said that the intelligence about who is doing what inside Iran “is so thin that nobody even wants his name on it. This is the problem.”

The difficulty of determining who is responsible for the chaos in Iraq can be seen in Basra, in the Shiite south, where British forces had earlier presided over a relatively secure area. Over the course of this year, however, the region became increasingly ungovernable, and by fall the British had retreated to fixed bases. A European official who has access to current intelligence told me that “there is a firm belief inside the American and U.K. intelligence community that Iran is supporting many of the groups in southern Iraq that are responsible for the deaths of British and American soldiers. Weapons and money are getting in from Iran. They have been able to penetrate many groups”—primarily the Mahdi Army and other Shiite militias.

A June, 2007, report by the International Crisis Group found, however, that Basra’s renewed instability was mainly the result of “the systematic abuse of official institutions, political assassinations, tribal vendettas, neighborhood vigilantism and enforcement of social mores, together with the rise of criminal mafias.” The report added that leading Iraqi politicians and officials “routinely invoke the threat of outside interference”—from bordering Iran—“to justify their behavior or evade responsibility for their failures.”

Earlier this year, before the surge in U.S. troops, the American command in Baghdad changed what had been a confrontational policy in western Iraq, the Sunni heartland (and the base of the Baathist regime), and began working with the Sunni tribes, including some tied to the insurgency. Tribal leaders are now getting combat support as well as money, intelligence, and arms, ostensibly to fight Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia. Empowering Sunni forces may undermine efforts toward national reconciliation, however. Already, tens of thousands of Shiites have fled Anbar Province, many to Shiite neighborhoods in Baghdad, while Sunnis have been forced from their homes in Shiite communities. Vali Nasr, of Tufts, called the internal displacement of communities in Iraq a form of “ethnic cleansing.”

“The American policy of supporting the Sunnis in western Iraq is making the Shia leadership very nervous,” Nasr said. “The White House makes it seem as if the Shia were afraid only of Al Qaeda—but they are afraid of the Sunni tribesmen we are arming. The Shia attitude is ‘So what if you’re getting rid of Al Qaeda?’ The problem of Sunni resistance is still there. The Americans believe they can distinguish between good and bad insurgents, but the Shia don’t share that distinction. For the Shia, they are all one adversary.”

Nasr went on, “The United States is trying to fight on all sides—Sunni and Shia—and be friends with all sides.” In the Shiite view, “It’s clear that the United States cannot bring security to Iraq, because it is not doing everything necessary to bring stability. If they did, they would talk to anybody to achieve it—even Iran and Syria,” Nasr said. (Such engagement was a major recommendation of the Iraq Study Group.) “America cannot bring stability in Iraq by fighting Iran in Iraq.”

The revised bombing plan for a possible attack, with its tightened focus on counterterrorism, is gathering support among generals and admirals in the Pentagon. The strategy calls for the use of sea-launched cruise missiles and more precisely targeted ground attacks and bombing strikes, including plans to destroy the most important Revolutionary Guard training camps, supply depots, and command and control facilities.

“Cheney’s option is now for a fast in and out—for surgical strikes,” the former senior American intelligence official told me. The Joint Chiefs have turned to the Navy, he said, which had been chafing over its role in the Air Force-dominated air war in Iraq. “The Navy’s planes, ships, and cruise missiles are in place in the Gulf and operating daily. They’ve got everything they need—even AWACS are in place and the targets in Iran have been programmed. The Navy is flying FA-18 missions every day in the Gulf.” There are also plans to hit Iran’s anti-aircraft surface-to-air missile sites. “We’ve got to get a path in and a path out,” the former official said.

A Pentagon consultant on counterterrorism told me that, if the bombing campaign took place, it would be accompanied by a series of what he called “short, sharp incursions” by American Special Forces units into suspected Iranian training sites. He said, “Cheney is devoted to this, no question.”

A limited bombing attack of this sort “only makes sense if the intelligence is good,” the consultant said. If the targets are not clearly defined, the bombing “will start as limited, but then there will be an ‘escalation special.’ Planners will say that we have to deal with Hezbollah here and Syria there. The goal will be to hit the cue ball one time and have all the balls go in the pocket. But add-ons are always there in strike planning.”

The surgical-strike plan has been shared with some of America’s allies, who have had mixed reactions to it. Israel’s military and political leaders were alarmed, believing, the consultant said, that it didn’t sufficiently target Iran’s nuclear facilities. The White House has been reassuring the Israeli government, the former senior official told me, that the more limited target list would still serve the goal of counter-proliferation by decapitating the leadership of the Revolutionary Guards, who are believed to have direct control over the nuclear-research program. “Our theory is that if we do the attacks as planned it will accomplish two things,” the former senior official said.

An Israeli official said, “Our main focus has been the Iranian nuclear facilities, not because other things aren’t important. We’ve worked on missile technology and terrorism, but we see the Iranian nuclear issue as one that cuts across everything.” Iran, he added, does not need to develop an actual warhead to be a threat. “Our problems begin when they learn and master the nuclear fuel cycle and when they have the nuclear materials,” he said. There was, for example, the possibility of a “dirty bomb,” or of Iran’s passing materials to terrorist groups. “There is still time for diplomacy to have an impact, but not a lot,” the Israeli official said. “We believe the technological timetable is moving faster than the diplomatic timetable. And if diplomacy doesn’t work, as they say, all options are on the table.”

The bombing plan has had its most positive reception from the newly elected government of Britain’s Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. A senior European official told me, “The British perception is that the Iranians are not making the progress they want to see in their nuclear-enrichment processing. All the intelligence community agree that Iran is providing critical assistance, training, and technology to a surprising number of terrorist groups in Iraq and Afghanistan, and, through Hezbollah, in Lebanon, and Israel/Palestine, too.”

There were four possible responses to this Iranian activity, the European official said: to do nothing (“There would be no retaliation to the Iranians for their attacks; this would be sending the wrong signal”); to publicize the Iranian actions (“There is one great difficulty with this option—the widespread lack of faith in American intelligence assessments”); to attack the Iranians operating inside Iraq (“We’ve been taking action since last December, and it does have an effect”); or, finally, to attack inside Iran.

The European official continued, “A major air strike against Iran could well lead to a rallying around the flag there, but a very careful targeting of terrorist training camps might not.” His view, he said, was that “once the Iranians get a bloody nose they rethink things.” For example, Ali Akbar Rafsanjani and Ali Larijani, two of Iran’s most influential political figures, “might go to the Supreme Leader and say, ‘The hard-line policies have got us into this mess. We must change our approach for the sake of the regime.’ ”

A retired American four-star general with close ties to the British military told me that there was another reason for Britain’s interest—shame over the failure of the Royal Navy to protect the sailors and Royal Marines who were seized by Iran on March 23rd, in the Persian Gulf. “The professional guys are saying that British honor is at stake, and if there’s another event like that in the water off Iran the British will hit back,” he said.

The revised bombing plan “could work—if it’s in response to an Iranian attack,” the retired four-star general said. “The British may want to do it to get even, but the more reasonable people are saying, ‘Let’s do it if the Iranians stage a cross-border attack inside Iraq.’ It’s got to be ten dead American soldiers and four burned trucks.” There is, he added, “a widespread belief in London that Tony Blair’s government was sold a bill of goods by the White House in the buildup to the war against Iraq. So if somebody comes into Gordon Brown’s office and says, ‘We have this intelligence from America,’ Brown will ask, ‘Where did it come from? Have we verified it?’ The burden of proof is high.”

The French government shares the Administration’s sense of urgency about Iran’s nuclear program, and believes that Iran will be able to produce a warhead within two years. France’s newly elected President, Nicolas Sarkozy, created a stir in late August when he warned that Iran could be attacked if it did not halt its nuclear program. Nonetheless, France has indicated to the White House that it has doubts about a limited strike, the former senior intelligence official told me. Many in the French government have concluded that the Bush Administration has exaggerated the extent of Iranian meddling inside Iraq; they believe, according to a European diplomat, that “the American problems in Iraq are due to their own mistakes, and now the Americans are trying to show some teeth. An American bombing will show only that the Bush Administration has its own agenda toward Iran.”

A European intelligence official made a similar point. “If you attack Iran,” he told me, “and do not label it as being against Iran’s nuclear facilities, it will strengthen the regime, and help to make the Islamic air in the Middle East thicker.”

Ahmadinejad, in his speech at the United Nations, said that Iran considered the dispute over its nuclear program “closed.” Iran would deal with it only through the International Atomic Energy Agency, he said, and had decided to “disregard unlawful and political impositions of the arrogant powers.” He added, in a press conference after the speech, “the decisions of the United States and France are not important.”

The director general of the I.A.E.A., Mohamed ElBaradei, has for years been in an often bitter public dispute with the Bush Administration; the agency’s most recent report found that Iran was far less proficient in enriching uranium than expected. A diplomat in Vienna, where the I.A.E.A. is based, said, “The Iranians are years away from making a bomb, as ElBaradei has said all along. Running three thousand centrifuges does not make a bomb.” The diplomat added, referring to hawks in the Bush Administration, “They don’t like ElBaradei, because they are in a state of denial. And now their negotiating policy has failed, and Iran is still enriching uranium and still making progress.”

The diplomat expressed the bitterness that has marked the I.A.E.A.’s dealings with the Bush Administration since the buildup to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. “The White House’s claims were all a pack of lies, and Mohamed is dismissive of those lies,” the diplomat said.

Hans Blix, a former head of the I.A.E.A., questioned the Bush Administration’s commitment to diplomacy. “There are important cards that Washington could play; instead, they have three aircraft carriers sitting in the Persian Gulf,” he said. Speaking of Iran’s role in Iraq, Blix added, “My impression is that the United States has been trying to push up the accusations against Iran as a basis for a possible attack—as an excuse for jumping on them.”

The Iranian leadership is feeling the pressure. In the press conference after his U.N. speech, Ahmadinejad was asked about a possible attack. “They want to hurt us,” he said, “but, with the will of God, they won’t be able to do it.” According to a former State Department adviser on Iran, the Iranians complained, in diplomatic meetings in Baghdad with Ambassador Crocker, about a refusal by the Bush Administration to take advantage of their knowledge of the Iraqi political scene. The former adviser said, “They’ve been trying to convey to the United States that ‘We can help you in Iraq. Nobody knows Iraq better than us.’ ” Instead, the Iranians are preparing for an American attack.

The adviser said that he had heard from a source in Iran that the Revolutionary Guards have been telling religious leaders that they can stand up to an American attack. “The Guards are claiming that they can infiltrate American security,” the adviser said. “They are bragging that they have spray-painted an American warship—to signal the Americans that they can get close to them.” (I was told by the former senior intelligence official that there was an unexplained incident, this spring, in which an American warship was spray-painted with a bull’s-eye while docked in Qatar, which may have been the source of the boasts.)

“Do you think those crazies in Tehran are going to say, ‘Uncle Sam is here! We’d better stand down’? ” the former senior intelligence official said. “The reality is an attack will make things ten times warmer.”

Another recent incident, in Afghanistan, reflects the tension over intelligence. In July, the London Telegraph reported that what appeared to be an SA-7 shoulder-launched missile was fired at an American C-130 Hercules aircraft. The missile missed its mark. Months earlier, British commandos had intercepted a few truckloads of weapons, including one containing a working SA-7 missile, coming across the Iranian border. But there was no way of determining whether the missile fired at the C-130 had come from Iran—especially since SA-7s are available through black-market arms dealers.

Vincent Cannistraro, a retired C.I.A. officer who has worked closely with his counterparts in Britain, added to the story: “The Brits told me that they were afraid at first to tell us about the incident—in fear that Cheney would use it as a reason to attack Iran.” The intelligence subsequently was forwarded, he said.

The retired four-star general confirmed that British intelligence “was worried” about passing the information along. “The Brits don’t trust the Iranians,” the retired general said, “but they also don’t trust Bush and Cheney.”